Many garden owners dream of a floral bed that is easy to care for and will decorate the garden for many years without requiring ushard work Such dreams will help us to make the most durable, most durable flowering perennials a reality. However, they also require a little attention on our part. In order to really deserve the name of long-lived, they must be fertilized and watered during prolonged drought, and after many years, when they become excessively thickened, they must be rejuvenated by dividing themclumps
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Juka w poticzce perfectly complements modern gardens (Image: |
Long-livedPerennialscan grow in one place without dividing and replanting for ten years or even much longer, guaranteeing a beautiful flowering for many weeks of summer. The longevity of perennials has unfortunately not been included in any statistical tables. Horticultural experience clearly shows that the strength of perennials is greatly influenced by various factors, such asclimateThe most important of them can be determined very easily. It is a suitable position in the garden.
Some perennials are quite tolerant and easily adapt to various soil and light conditions. For exampletojady ,bodziszki meadowordayliliesthey grow excellently both in a moderately dry bed in a light shade under large shrubs and in a slightly damp substrate in a fully sunny place.However, if we would like to enjoy luxuriantly developing flowers for many years, we shouldperennialsprovide a position distinguished by the best conditions most suitable for long-lived plants. Examples of different positions for perennials are presented below.
Many attractive, long-flowering perennials feel perfectly well all day longperennialsprovided that the soil is loose, does not dry out too much and contains a sufficient supply of substances nutritional. Ifthe soil conditions soil conditionsare not the best, they should be corrected so that perennials can grow in the bed as long as possible. Very sandy soil should be regularly enriched with clay compost. Loose soilclayorclayloosen with finegravelor coarsesand
In the group of the most popular flowering perennials we can find, among othersrudbekie ,peonies , autumnasters ,sharedandsunflowersThe longevity of flames and delphiniums is variable and depends on the variety. The delphiniums from the groupBelladonnaandElatumin good conditions can decorate a rebate for many years, while the Pacific varieties live much shorter. Varieties with bright red flowers grow out of the group of tall perennial flames the fastest, after just a few years.
Shade discounts should be first of all divided into those with shaded places and those lying in the penumbra. The most shaded beds are in places covered with an umbrella of dense leavestreesorshrubsor at the northern wallof the house.Half-shaded beds are covered for part of the day by the sun (for example, they are located on the eastern or western wall of the house), or all day long, diffused sunlight filtered through the loose leaves on the shoots ofshrubs.
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Extremely popular monkshood is also one of the hardy perennial plants (Image: |
On a semi-shaded bed with good, slightly moist soil, perfect conditions for a long life are foundJapanese anemonesandtojady.They feel very well here also shade-loving perennials, such asforest parzydło, heartsturned out,candlestickandrodgersja,years they also decorate places located in deep shade. For large, beautifully flowering plants, carpeted perennials, which need little light, are excellent long-term neighbors, e.g.tiarella, desireandMay lily of the valley.These modest but charming plants perfectly complement the arrangement of the beds.
For many perennials, a sunny position is not unusual. However, extreme conditions are a problem: highly permeable soilsandy,place on the southern slope by the wall or sheltered by a wall facing south, additionally sheltered from rain by the eaves of the roof. In this case, choose very durable perennials, which can be slightly harmful to the heat and drought.
Tall and beautifully flowering plants for dry beds include:yarrowfibrous Yucca filamentosa,irisbeard Iris barbata elatior,red yarrowcommon Achillea millefolium i ostrogowiecCentranthus. They are joined by tough lower perennials with a compact habit: mossy sage, lavender and catnip. Beautiful species typical for a rock garden, e.g. Dalmatian bellflowerCampanula portenschlagiana, carnationsinyDianthus gratianopolitanus iflameDouglas Phlox douglasii.
The various depressions, where water is often present in heavy,clay soil , are places extremely disliked by the owners ofgardens.If, however, We are put off by treatments that require a lot of effort and resources, let's try to turn the disadvantages intoadvantages.A simple solution to the problem is an attractive flowerbed containing flowering perennials that like swampy ground, which is not affected by constant fluctuations from short periods of drought, through weeks of moist soil, up to days with water standing on the ground.
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With proper care, the lily can be enjoyed for many seasons (Image: |
Among the very durable perennials with beautiful colors are, among otherstongueLigularia, earlyblooming daylilysmaller Hemerocallis minor,irisJapanese Iris ensata,loosestrifeLythrum salicaria andsitiecEupatorium. Apart from swamp beds, these perennials can grow over wet places near the edge of a pond or by a stream. The transition zone between the water and the wetland and the dry land will be beautifully and for many years decorated with low bog perennials, e.g.primrose pinkPrimula rosea.