Finally, we have the full season in the garden. And the flower beds are dominated by wonderful, long-flowering dahlias. From tubers planted in spring, shoots sprout, on which flowers develop throughout the summer and autumn, until the first frost. In Europe, the first dahlias appeared as early as 1790 in the Botanical Garden in Madrid. The seeds were sent to Spain by the director ofBotanical Garden in Mexico , Vincente Cervantes - a descendant of a great Spanish writer and philanthropist. Dahlia owes its name to Linnaeus, who named it in memory of his student, A.Dahl. This plant had many names before:Aztecscalled it cocoxochtl, and in Europe it is called georgina - from the Russian botanistGeorgiDahlia has been enjoying the unchanged since the 19th century popularity, as evidenced by over 20,000 varieties in many colors, various shapes and sizes of flowers.
Varieties with flowers in shades of colorred ,yellowandorange , best suited for a cheerful summer discount. They can be perfectly combined with annuals andperennials , blooming in similar colors. We will achieve beautiful effects by enriching the composition of warm colors with a few stains in white, blue and purple.
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Werbena fits perfectly with daliami w rabatach (Photo: |
It could be, for example, a mixture of orange and yellow dahlias, whiteflamespaniculataPhlox paniculata, bluedelphiniumand violet-flowered tall shootsverbenapatagonianVerbena bonariensis. An even more colorful arrangement can be achieved by adding a little pink in the form of, for example, one-year flowers onętkaCosmos, which at the same time gives the bed a light, idyllic charm of a rural composition.
The choice of two-color dahlias varieties is really huge. Flowers of various shapes, in various shades of yellow, orange and red, decorated with eye-catching patterns of stripes, stripes, dots and spots make a great impression.
- The half-cactus dahlia of 'Biedermansdorf' amazes with huge flowers up to 25 cm in diameter.
- New flower buds appear on the shoots of the decorative dahlia 'Nonette' throughout the summer.
- Decorative dahlia 'Maxime' shoots reach a height of about 120 cm. The large-flowered collar dahlia 'Flamenco' has won awards at exhibitions.
The more and more popular two-color dahlias belong to the most beautiful and spectacular dahlias. The flowers of many varieties are eye-catching on the flowerbed, e.g. ' Biedermannsdorf ' or ' Nonette ', decorated with spots and dots or stripes of various widths or stripes. Extremely elegant flowers of the variety ' Maxime ' have red petals with yellowfringeNote that this beauty should be accompanied by modest and delicate plants, so as not to did not outshine her beauty.
Dahlias are not very demanding plants. They don't needextraordinaryandtime-consumingbeauty treatments.Most of all, they like sunny positions with fertile soil. Ripecompostor bought in a garden storefertilizerorganic will encourage plants to form numerousbuds flowers , while the nitrogen-rich mineral fertilizer is primarily favorable for the development of leaves. Dahlias are long-lived plants and will give us joy with their flowers for many years, provided we allow themsafe survival of winters After the first frosttubers dahliascarefully dig out of the ground. Cut the shoots to a length of 3-5 cm and leave them in the open air, so thatdryTubers are then placed in a box filled with peat and transferred to a dark and cool room. They will survive here in good condition until spring.
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Many varieties of dahlias have unusual flowers (Image: |
In the spring, necessarily in the middle ofMay , not earlier, plant the carp into previously prepared holes and cover with soil so that the buds are just below the surfaceof the ground ,and last year's shoots were sticking out. Before planting, clean the carps from last year's leaves, leave only dried shoots, then divide the large carps into smaller pieces with three buds. It is worth enriching the soil, which we will cover with carp, with fertilizers. Plantedplantsshould be watered abundantly. Higher varieties of dahlias require supports.Rackslet's attach it while planting carp. Later positioning of the supports may only damagetuberousrootsdahlias.
Well-cared for dahlias bloom all summer and fall. Only the first frosts bring an end to the colorful spectacle.
- Dahlia from the semi-cactus group delights with delicate, pale pink flowers.
- Dahlia from the so-called the rest of the group has flowers with petals (flowers
lingual) lemon-yellow with a dark yellow center (tubular flowers).
- The anemone dahlia produces flowers with flat, deep pink petals (flowers).