To make it beautiful in spring ...

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Let's admit: when autumn spreads golden shades everywhere, and asters and chrysanthemums are in full bloom, we don't often wander to the next spring. However, it is worth taking an interest in this not too distant future, because now is a good time to plant spring flowering bulbs, incl. daffodils, tulips and hyacinths.The practical aspect is also important - now, in autumn, in shops and garden centers, the selection of different varieties is much greater than in spring, when we can only buy sprouted plants in pots.

Let's also remember about long-lived perennials, which we also plant right now, which in practice means that in autumn we can arrange a complete spring discount.

We start planting with perennials. They give the rebate a durable structure that will be the basis of its arrangement for many years.Remember that the spacing between plants should be large enough to allow them to develop wellSecondly, plant various bulbs in the gaps between perennials. To plant the bulbs in a group, dig a hole approximately 20x20 cm in size and three times the thickness of the onion.

When the soil is heavy, clayey, the bottom of the hole should be loosened by adding coarse sand and compost. If voles appear in the garden, it is worth placing onions planted in groups in wire baskets. The necessary baskets can be made by hand from a mesh protecting against rabbits.

Small gaps in the existing bed can also be planted with bulbs.Tulips and daffodils look the most natural if small clusters of bulbs are placed between perennials at irregular intervals. This way we can plant both a single variety and a mixture of three or four different varieties.

Particular care should be taken when planting tulips, as excessive combinations of many colors and forms of flowers quickly lose their freshness and charm. However, it is worth choosing the leading colors of the arrangement, for example elegant and cool white and blue, romantic and feminine in pastel shades, or extravagant and oriental mosaic of purple, red and orange colors.

Important note - if there are different, often highly contrasting and sharp colors close to each other, the best effect is obtained by limiting to only one form of flowers, e.g. lily-shaped tulips with slender flowers with long, pointed petals.

Early perennials are ideal neighbors for bulbs in the bed.In this case, the same flowering period is less important The decorative qualities of young spring leaves are more important. The fresh green background perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the forms and colors of tulip and narcissus flowers. In early March, when the flowers of the earliest narcissus varieties are developing, most perennials have not yet started growing. Only Helleborus hellebores, reaching a height of 30-40 cm, can be actual partners of narcissists at this time.

Most tulips bloom from early April to mid-May.At this time, young leaves are being put out by many different perennials, incl. geranium, funkia, cranberry, larkspur and tawułka.Late tulips bloom simultaneously with garden peony, catnip, spurge and eastern poppy. When selecting tulips for such combinations, you need a sense of color, because perennials have long faded during the period of planting bulbs.

If we take a photo of a flower bed during the flowering of perennials, in the autumn it is much easier to choose the right tulip varieties.We can also mark each important plant with a plate with the name of the variety and the color of the flowers. It is worth the effort, because for tulips the company of perennials is extremely beneficial. Also after the flowering period, when their leaves may turn yellow and dry completely unnoticed.

When planning onion plantings, do not forget about the earliest flowering plants in this group. These are snowdrops, blizzards, ranches and squirrels. The bulbs of these species do not need to be dug up. The best place for their development is the vicinity of trees and shrubs.During the flowering of these plants, the sun gets there, while in summer, when they need shade, the dense leaves prevent the ground with the bulbs from overheating.This group of bulbous plants gives the garden a naturalistic character.

Discounts in warm colors

1. In warm colors
Violet-green leaves of Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona' are the perfect background for a fiery combination of tulips. It consists of four varieties of tulips from the Triumph group: 'Annie Schilder' (orange flowers), 'Abu Hassan' (red-yellow), 'Arabian Mystery' (purple with a white edge) and 'Ille de France' (red).

2. Exotic beauty
The original brown-red-orange-yellow flowers of the 'Gavot' tulip require an extraordinary partner. It may be the 'Amber Waves' with brown leaves.

3. Spring freshness
At the end of April, dark pink flowers unfurl Darwin's 'Pink Impression' and 'van Eijk' tulips. They are accompanied by small but numerous brunnery and spurge moth flowers.

4. Flowers and green balls
A flowerbed with molded box trees completely changes its appearance in spring, when the bulbs are in bloom, planted irregularly in the free places between the green balls. The white and blue combination of tulips and hyacinths is enchanting with its calm elegance.

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