More about the plant below:
Agapant (Agapanthus praecox)
category : perennials
position : sunny
height : 0.6-1 m
wintering : room, 2-8 ° C
frost resistance : to 0 ° C
reaction soil : indifferent
preferences soil : fertile, well-drained, sandy loam
watering : a lot
color leaves : green
color of flowers : blue, white, purple
shape : upright
period flowering : July-October, December-February
reproduction:by dividing carp
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : balconies, cut flowers, terraces, discounts
pace of growth : fast
Agapanthus - silhouetteDevelopment of agapanthusAgapanthus - positionAgapanthus careAgapanthus - winteringApplication for agapanthusAdviceAgapanthus is sometimes displayed on terraces and in elegant garden arrangements. It is relatively easy to care for and durable. In summer, it is decorated with spherical inflorescences of impressive size, mounted on one-meter shoots. The flowers can be blue to purple, and there are also varieties with white flowers.
The plant forms clumps and has leathery leaves.Flower panicles, made of numerous single funnel-shaped flowers, grow from long leafless shoots, leaves stick out from the base.Agapanthus grows thanks to strong rhizomes, in occasional cases it can even burst the pot.
Agapanthus likes full sun positions. It can also grow in places with an eastern or western display.
The more the pot is overgrown with the roots, the more the agapanthus blooms. Therefore, the plant should be replanted as rarely as possible, approximately every four years, when the roots have taken up all the space in the pot.Agapanthus require regular food and watering, but also tolerate neglect quite well.They do not tolerate stagnant water.
Agapanthus overwinter at a temperature of 3 to 12 ° C, because only in such conditions flower buds form.In a bright position, plants do not lose leaves and bloom again from May.If they are kept in the dark in winter, they shed their leaves and bloom very late, often only in August.
Agapanthus have a very dignified figure and are best presented alone.Perfect for planting other plants in the background.
Agapantha can be exposed to the open air from April / May, because it is not sensitive to small frosts.