Japanese skimia - varieties, cultivation, diseases

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Japanese Skimia(Skimmia japonica) is an evergreen shrub that is not easy to grow, but very attractive. Thanks to decorative leaves, flowers and fruits, it can decorate the garden all year round. Learnsecrets of cultivating Japanese skimiaand find out which varieties of skimia look the most beautiful. We advise how to deal with Japanese skimia diseases and answer the questionwhether skimia requires cutting

Japanese Skimia - Skimmia japonica
Photo. pixabay.com

What does Japanese skim look like?

Japanese skimia came to Europe from the Far EastIts home areas are Taiwan, Japanese islands and Korea. This evergreen plant has not become widespread in our country mainly due to its low frost resistance and high cultivation requirements. However, it is worth taking an interest in it, becauseskimia is a unique shrub that decorates the garden all year roundSmall, creamy-white inflorescences gathered in clusters appear in early spring, from April to May. They give the plant lightness, showing off with a colorful stain from dark green, leathery and shiny leaves.

Skimmia blooms from flower buds set in the previous yearThe red-pink flower buds appearing in autumn are gathered in clusters and enliven the garden until spring.
After After bloomingJapanese skimia produces fruits resembling bright red berriesHowever, we must remember that skimia is a dioecious species, which means that you need both a male and a female plant to set the fruit.You can sometimes find Skimmia japonica subsp. Reevesian, who is bisexual.

Note!All parts of Japanese skimia are poisonous. Be careful that children do not get poisoned with skimia fruit, and all care work on the skimie bushes should be carried out in protective gloves.

Japanese skimia - where to plant, use

Japanese skimia looks very goodin the company of plants with similar cultivation requirements, such as: rhododendrons, heathers, heathers, Japanese pieris, kalmia or azaleas. Due to the light preferences, skimia is recommended for planting under larger shrubs.
Asin most parts of the country, Skimia does not winter in the ground , it is most often grown in pots, transported indoors for the winter. Only in the warmest, western regions of Poland and in warm, sheltered positions, it is possible to winter in the ground after covering it with e.g.nonwoven agrotextile.

Japanese Skimia - Skimmia japonica
Photo. depositphotos.com

Decorative and durable Japanese skimia inflorescences made the plant noticed by florists.Male skimii variety 'Kew Green' , thanks to its bright green buds and then developing greenish flowers, is a welcome element of modern flower arrangements.

Japanese skimia - varieties

Many varieties of this plant are available, both male and female. Below we presentthe most popular varieties of Japanese skimiafound in Poland.
Male varieties:
Japanese skimia 'Rubella'- is one of the most popular male varieties. Its greatest decoration are clusters of dark pink buds and slightly pink flowers with orange anthers. The variety reaches up to 1.5 m in height, has a compact habit and looks great in a bed with rhododendrons and other heather plants.If we do not have enough space in the garden, we can choose the 'Rubinetta' variety, which differs from its predecessor in much smaller sizes - it reaches a maximum of 80 cm in height.

Japanese Skimia 'Rubella'
Fig. pixabay.com

Japanese skimia 'Godrie's Dwarf'- perfect for growing in small pots, as it reaches a maximum of 40 cm in height. It is distinguished by a profuse, greenish inflorescence.
Japanese skimia 'Magic Marlot'- is a slow-growing dwarf variety - after 10 years it grows to about 0.5 meters. The relatively small leaves of this variety of skimia are blue-green with a silvery border, and the flower buds are pink-red. White, fragrant flowers open in spring.

Japanese Skimia 'Magic Marlot'
Fig. pixabay.com

Japanese Skimia 'White Globe'- is an evergreen shrub with a compact habit, growing up to about 1.5 m in height and similar width. Beautiful white flowers develop at the turn of April and May.
Female variants:
Japanese Skimia 'Temptation'- grows up to about 60 cm in height and a similar diameter. The leaves are thick and glossy, up to 12 cm long. It blooms from April to May, with white flowers developing from pinkish buds.
Japanese Skimia 'Bowles Dwarf'- it is a dwarf domino which is only 45 cm high and about 60 cm wide. After the white flowers fade, round red fruits appear. The variety Fructo-or has similar dimensions, but it is distinguished from its predecessor by unique white, spherical fruits.
Japanese Skimia 'Foremani in. Veitchii ' - is a 150 cm tall plant with very large panicles of flowers and bright red, large berries. Skimii variety 'Nymans' has even bigger berries.

Japanese skimia - cultivation and care

Japanese skimia prefers fertile and moist soils , but well-drained, acidic (3.5 - 4.0 pH).It does not tolerate calcareous soils, which can cause chlorosis.
Due to its delicate shoots,skimia requires warm, quiet places, sheltered from the windSkimmia reacts badly to scorching sun (leaf burns). ) and deep shade (weakened growth and flowering). The lighter the position, the more lush the flowering and the more colored the fruit, but the light should not be too strong.
Japanese skimia is not frost resistant(it is assigned to the plant frost resistance zone 7A), therefore even in the regions of Poland with the mildest climate, it must be protected against frost by covering the whole plants with agrotextile or tunics. The harsh winter sun is especially dangerous for her (the shoots heat up, toughen up, and then at night they are destroyed by frost).

Japanese Skimia 'Rubella' in pots
Fig. depositphotos.com

Due to the high risk of frostSkimia is usually grown incontainers, and transferred to rooms where the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C for the winter.In autumn and snow-free winter, remember towatering Japanese skimia , as it is exposed to damage due to physiological drought.

Japanese skimia - fertilization

Fertilizing Japanese skimiauses fertilizers for acid-loving plants. The best ones dedicated to rhododendrons and azaleas, because apart from acidifying the soil, they will also contribute to the abundant flowering of skimia. In August and September, autumn fertilizers are also recommended, which do not contain nitrogen but are rich in phosphorus and potassium. These 2 elements help the plant prepare for winter and support the formation of flower buds, from which the plant will bloom next spring. Therefore, to a large extentthe abundant flowering of Japanese skimia depends on proper fertilization in the fall

Japanese Skimia - Trimming

Japanese skimia does not require trimmingas it usually keeps its shape nicely.A cut that is too heavy also does not endure well. Therefore, we should limit ourselves to removing faded flowers and cutting out shoots damaged or damaged by diseases or pests. Any light correction of Japanese skimmi is best done right after flowering.

Japanese Skimia - Skimmia japonica
Photo. shutterstock.com

Japanese skimia - planting

Japanese skimia seedlings are usually sold inpots, so they can be planted throughout the growing season. However, they will take root better and overwinter when planted in spring or autumn. The best time to plant Japanese Skimia is at the turn of September and October or March and April.
If you want to plant Japanese Skimia in the garden , dig a hole 40 - 50 cm wide and 50 - 60 cm deep. cm and pour gravel and stones on the bottom, which will ensure good drainage (skimia does not tolerate wetlands).Then pour in a layer of compost soil mixed with acid peat in a ratio of 1: 1. We place the plant in the hole so that the root neck is level with the ground. We cover the hole and water the plant.

Good to know!
After planting Japanese skimia, the soil around the bush should not be kneaded or trampled as this adversely affects the delicate roots of the plant. Instead, we water the skimmer abundantly, letting the soil settle naturally.

In order to reduce water evaporation from the substrate, it is worth mulching the plant. Recommendedmaterials for mulching Japanese skimiaare acid pine bark and composted conifer sawdust. Regularly water the seedling with decalcified water so as not to de-acidify the substrate.

Japanese skimia - indoor cultivation

Dwarf female varieties of skimii , due to their shiny green leaves and decorative red fruit, are very often used in winter decorations for Christmas.A cool, bright place in the apartment should be provided, but not exposed to direct sunlight. Place the plants away from heat sources that can dry out the leaves.
After the inflorescences have flowered, remove them and move the plant to a bright room at a temperature of 0 ° C - 10 ° C, limiting watering for this time. In mid-May, you can take the bushes outside. We water the plants with soft water and try to keep the substrate moist. When watering, trynot to wet Japanese skimia leavesby wetting only the substrate. We fertilize the plant every 2 weeks with fertilizer for azaleas.

Japanese skimia - diseases and pests

Japanese skimii chlorosis- due to the need to cultivate the plant in an acidic substrate, a common problem in skimia cultivation is leaf chlorosis, manifested by yellowing and falling off. Over time, leaf fragments begin to dry out and plant growth is inhibited.This Japanese skim disease occurs when the substrate is too alkaline. Under such conditions, the soil cannot take the nutrients it needs from the soil and its leaves lose their natural color. To restore the proper acidity of the soil, we can add ground sulfur to the substrate. Other good solutions are: an acidifying ammonium sulphate fertilizer, a specialized acidifying fertilizer for acid-loving plants and a soil acidifier, pH substrate. Weakened plants should be given foliar fertilizers containing chelated elements, which will be absorbed directly by the leaves and will provide quick help to the plant, regardless of soil pH adjustment.

Japanese skimia - chlorosis of leaves
Fig. I. Sáček, senior, CC0, Wikimiedia Commons

Japanese skimia leaf spot- most often the first symptoms can be observed in the second half of summer. Oval spots with irregular edges, mostly dark brown and gray, appear on the leaves.Over time, the spots merge and cover the stems as well. Dark spots of the fungus spores are visible on the diseased tissue. Infested plants fail to thrive and infect others in the garden.

Japanese skimia - leaf spot
Fig. Qwert1234, Public Domain, Wikimiedia Commons

Spores of the fungus causingJapanese skimia leaf spotwinter in the soil, so in order to prevent the spread of infection, first of all rake and remove diseased leaves, and spray the plant at least twice with fungicide Topsin M 500 SC. You can also reach for ecological preparations that improve the resistance of plants, such as Biosept Active, Bioczos or Biochikol.

Aphids- weaken plants, often carrying viral diseases and promoting fungal infections. The leaves on which the aphids feed are curled, discolor and sometimes fall to the ground without even changing color.Aphids also weaken the development of buds, cause deformation of fruit buds, and sometimes die off shoots or buds.
We fight thesepests of Japanese skimiaby spraying with oil preparations Emulpar 940 EC and Promanal 60 EC in early spring. After noticing the symptoms of pest feeding during the growing season, you can also use the natural Emulpar 940 EC, and if that is not enough, use the Karate Gold, Mospilan 20 SP or Polysect 005 SL insecticides.

MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak

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