Large-flowered eustomauntil recently it was grown mainly as a cut flower. Due to the charming, full of flowers and delicate silvery leaves, it is eagerly used by florists. Thanks to the work of breeders, interesting dwarf,potted and garden varieties of eustoma are now availableWe advise what it looks likegrowing large-flowered eustomaat home and in the garden, what varieties of this plant it is worth choosing, as well as how to dopropagation of eustomahome way.
Eustoma grandiflorum - Eustoma grandiflorum, syn. Lisianthus russelianus
Eustoma grandiflorum(Eustoma grandiflorum, syn. Lisianthus russelianus) creates large, calyx-shaped flowers that grow on the tops of the stems. They form loose panicles and can range in color from purple to purple, blue, pink and white. Unusual colors of eustoma, such as salmon, green or brown, are also fashionable. The lanceolate, aquamarine silveryeustoma leavesare no less decorative, giving the plant a unique character. Plants reach a height of 60 cm and such are perfect for cut flowers and for planting in the garden. On the other hand, dwarfpotted eustoma varietiesgrow up to 30 cm.
In a natural, dry, prairie environment, the large-flowered eustoma is a perennial plant. However, it is not frost-resistant, so in field cultivation we treat it as an annual plant. In Poland,large-flowered eustoma is more and more often found as a potted plant , which can be moved to the terrace in summer or planted in the ground.Due to the high durability of the flowers and their freshness, eustoma is grown as a cut flower.
The large-flowered eustoma now has many different varieties. Among them, we can find dwarf forms, multi-colored, and also the best for growing as a cut flower. We present the most popularlarge-flowered eustoma variety groups :
Eustoma grandiflorum - Eustoma grandiflorum, syn. Lisianthus russelianus
When buying a potted eustomafirst of all, we have to reckon with the fact that it will be an annual plant, because it loses its decorative qualities after flowering. So it makes no sense to keep it any longer.
The large-flowered eustoma is a very demanding speciesNeeds a very well-lit site, but the light must be diffused. As it does not tolerate direct sun, the eastern and western exhibition will be more advantageous. Requires temperatures in the range of 18-21 ° C.
Large-flowered eustoma in a pot
The substrate for eustoma must be fertile , permeable, with a pH close to neutral. At the bottom of the pot, it is worth using a layer of drainage, because eustoma roots are sensitive to excess water and overflow may lead to their dying off. For drainage, we can use pebbles, pieces of broken ceramic pots or the ideal for this purpose expanded clay.
Large-flowered eustoma should be watered regularly , keeping the substrate moist, but not overflowing it. Otherwise, we will expose the eustoma to either wilt and fall of flowers (drying of the substrate) or to infection with fungal diseases (overflow).
Fertilization of large-flowered eustomais done especially during the flowering period, when this plant needs the most nutrients. During this time, we fertilize the plants twice a month. It is best to use fertilizer for flowering plants with less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium. However, in the remaining time, it is enough to fertilize eustoma once a month.
To grow in the garden, it is best to buy a young plant that is still not flowering. We plant it in spring, when there is no longer any threat of frost.The optimal date for planting eustoma is the end of May or the beginning of June
The stand for eustoma must meet many requirements.Suitable for growing eustoma in the gardenthe position will be sheltered from the wind, sunny or semi-shaded, with fertile, humus soil, but well-drained. The pH of the substrate should be kept in the range of 6.5-7.0, because the plant does not tolerate acidic soils.
As in pot growing, remember toregularly, not too abundantly water your eustomaand feed it with compound fertilizers, especially during flowering.Eustoma blooms in the garden from August to OctoberDuring the formation of flower buds, potassium doses must be twice as high as nitrogen. The demand for calcium is also high, which is why this ingredient is also good for foliar application.
Eustoma large-flowered in the garden
It's a good idea toregularly prune the faded flowers of eustomaand trim the shoots at the end of August, which will stimulate the plants to flower again in September. When the plant blooms, its long and delicate shoots will need to be guided along supports or trellises. Otherwise they may break. This problem can be avoided by choosinglower, dwarf varieties of eustoma , which also work well as borders.
Independent reproduction of eustomais possible only generatively, by sowing purchased, selected seeds. Cultivars are most often hybrids, the seeds of which do not inherit the characteristics of the parent plants. Hence the necessity to buy them.
Germination of eustoma seeds takes time , therefore we sow the seeds in winter, so that we can enjoy the blooming plants in about half a year. The seedbed should be permeable, humus-rich, rich in calcium, with a pH of 6.5-7.0. We cover the seeds with foil or glass, provide additional lighting if necessary, and air them regularly to prevent the development of fungal diseases. We maintain the temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C.
In spring, transplant large-flowered eustoma seedlings into separate containersand at the beginning of June we can plant them in boxes, larger pots or directly into the ground.
MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak