Birch juice , also known as oskoła, is actually water enriched with minerals from the tree. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and is a great thirst-quencher. Obtaining birch sap is not a simple matter, it is necessary to take into account the age of the tree, its location and the appropriate harvesting time. Learnhow to properly extract birch sapso as not to damage the tree and preserve as much nutritional value of the juice as possible!
How to extract birch sap?
The beneficial power of birch saphas been known for centuries.It not only strengthens the body. Regularly drunk birch sap cleanses the liver of toxins, regulates metabolism, helps in the fight against diseases of the circulatory system, lungs and joints. Birch juice also strengthens the hair, improves the condition of the skin and supports wound healing.
Birch is a tree that actively absorbs toxins from the environment. If we do not choose correctly, we run the risk of poisoning with heavy metals, which are also found in the birch sap.The place where the birch sap is obtainedshould therefore be well chosen, away from highways or industrial plants. Forest areas are the best for this purpose.
In order to correctly definethe deadline for birch sap , take into account the weather conditions. The optimal time for extracting birch sap is the turn of February and March. When the buds on the trees begin to mature, and the daily temperatures are 10-15 ° C, it is a sign that you can already extract birch sap.
The first step we must take isobtaining the consent of the forester , managing the area where we intend to collect the juice. Lack of such consent may result in breaking the provisions of the Code of Petty Offenses and expose us to at least a fine.
Now we can start choosing the tree.Birch should be mature, 30-40 years old, and the diameter of the tree trunk should not be less than 20 cm.Old birch trees filter out the sap from harmful substances better. If we take sap from young trees, we will kill them.
In the first step, we try to cut a small birch twig andcheck whether the juice is flowing juice. When the time is right, at a height of 1 m from the grounddrill a holein the birch trunk, 2-5 cm deep.It is best to use a drill for this purpose. The number of holes in one tree will depend on its diameter (with a diameter of 20 cm - 1 hole, for each next 10 cm - another 1 hole).
Theninto each drilled hole put a plastic tube , the other end of which we put in the bottle. It is a good idea to seal the tube entry point with tape to avoid any loss of juice. From a large birch treeyou can collect about 3-5 liters of juice a dayThe harvest ends when the juice turns yellowish and the leaf buds begin to develop.
Juice birch can also be harvested directly from the branchJust put the cut-off branch in the prepared bottle.
After the juice harvesting season is over , the tube is removed and into the hole a hammered short, dry twig that inhibits the leakage of juice. You can also leave a hole for spontaneous healing.
Birch juice deteriorates in a short time , so after harvesting it should be stored in a dark and cool place, but not longer than 3 days.It is best to put it in the refrigerator and then it can be stored for 4 days. Longer storage requires maintenance.
The bestway to store birch saplonger is to freeze it, because then it retains most of its beneficial properties. It is best to store frozen birch sap in glass containers.
In order to preserve birch juiceyou can also add spirit to it, i.e. prepare the so-called birch tincture. For this purpose, 70% spirit is used, which is mixed with birch sap in equal proportions (e.g. one glass of spirit for one glass of birch sap). The tincture prepared in this way is stored in closed bottles. Drink about 50 drops per glass of water 3-4 times a day.
MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak