Patison(Cucurbita pepo var. Patisoniana) is the original disc-shaped pumpkin vegetable. It has a wide culinary use, high nutritional value and valued he alth properties, and its cultivation is not that difficult. See whatcultivating patison in the garden looks likeand learn about the bestvarieties of patisonrecommended for amateur cultivation. Here's all about the cultivation requirements of the patison.
Patison - varieties of different colors
The homeland of the patison is North America. This annual plant of the gourd family has a bushy habit of large light green and clipped leaves. The goblet-shaped yellow honey plantsthe patison flowers appear in June , and the fruit can be harvested from the end of June to September.
The edible part of the patison is an unusual shaped fruit.It resembles a flattened disc with radial notches and can weigh up to 15 kg. Depending on the variety, the peel of the patison may be white, creamy, yellow, green or purple. The stems are thick and short. The root system is extensive but shallow. For this reasonpatisons do not tolerate drought
It is worth including patison in your daily dietdue to the richness of vitamins (C B1 and B2) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium), folic acid and the low caloric content of this vegetable. Patison has only 18 kcal / 100 g. Patison fruit has a low glycemic index and can be eaten without fear by people suffering from diabetes.
Fruit of the patison
Patison is easy to digest , contains a lot of fiber and has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Thehealing properties of patisonare due to, inter alia, cucurbitacins, found mainly in fresh seeds. They are toxic to intestinal parasites. Thanks to the high content of carotenoidspatison prevents the formation of neoplastic changesand protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Patisons protect against cardiovascular diseases and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
A valuable property of patisonsis the weak accumulation of heavy metals that may be present in the soil. Therefore, patison does not pose a threat to our he alth and you can eat it without fear.
Maturing patison
Patison fruits are best eatenwhen they are still unripe. The smallest, those with a diameter of 3-6 cm, are perfect for preserving whole. Larger fruit, 6-12 cm in diameter, can be boiled and used for preserves.
As it turns out,not only the fruit of the patison but also the flowers are suitable for eatingPatison flowers dipped in a light pancake batter and deep-fried they can be an unusual snack.
The varieties of the patison differ mainly in the shape of the fruit and its color. We present the most popularpatison varieties recommended for growing in the garden .
Patison 'Disco'- this is an early variety with characteristic bell-shaped fruits with a strongly serrated edge. The color of the rind changes from light green to cream as it matures. The most important feature of this variety is total resistance to downy mildew, which means that it does not require chemical protection.
Patison 'Polo' F1- this is an early and very fertile variety. The fruit has a creamy white skin color. The biggest advantages of this variety are resistance to downy mildew, resistance to low temperature and the fact that they do not accumulate heavy metals.
Colorful varieties of patison
Patison 'Gagat'- this is an early variety whose disc-shaped fruit with delicate serration at the edges changes the color of the skin from green to almost black in the last stage of ripening. The fruits are up to 8 cm in length and 20 cm in diameter and are ready for harvest between July and October.
Patison 'Sunny Delight' F1- an intensely yellow variety. The fruit is disc-shaped with a nice gloss and uniform color. The variety is early and after 40 - 45 days after sowing, the fruits reach harvest maturity. Perfect for canning.
Patison 'Sunburst' F1- it is a very fertile two-color yellow-green variety. The fruit has a strongly folded edge.
Patison 'G-Star' F1- is a hybrid variety with flat and strongly ribbed fruit and a dark green skin. The earlier the fruit is harvested, the lighter the skin is.
Patison 'Okra'- this is a variety with regular, not very large fruits which are up to 6 cm long and up to 14 cm in diameter. The shiny light green rind has a slight marbled discoloration. Harvesting takes place from July to September.
Patisons have high requirements but are not difficult to grow . They require a warm and sunny position. They grow best in fertile, moist, permeable and humus soils with a soil pH close to neutral (pH 6.5-7.0).
Patison has no sophisticated maintenance requirementsJust loosen the soil and regularly remove weeds from between the plants.However,watering patisons regularly and abundantly is very importantas they have a high water demand. Its deficiency affects the size and quality of the fruit.
It is advisable to mulch the soil with black fleece or garden foil, which help to raise the temperature of the soil, prevent it from drying out and reduce the appearance of weeds.
Patisons they respond well to fertilization , so in autumn it is worth feeding the soil intended for the pan with manure, compost or green fertilizers. During intensive plant growth, we enrich the soil using nitrogen-rich mineral fertilizers.
Patison growing in the garden
When growing patison, pay attention to the forecropLegumes, as well as radishes, onions, cabbage, lettuce and carrots are a good forecrop for this vegetable. Patison should not be planted in a position where cucurbits have been grown in the last 3-4 years.
Patisons are sensitive to temperature drops . They do not tolerate cold and die even with short-term temperature drops to 0 ° C. Therefore,the patison seedling should be planted into the ground only after May 15 , when the threat of spring frosts is over.
Patison is grown from seedslike other cucurbits. It is most often grown from seedlings. Due to the vigorous growth and bushy habit, it is recommended to plant patison seedlings 20-30 cm apart between plants and 100-120 cm between the rows.
You can harvest the fruit of the patisonfrom June to October. It should be remembered that the regular collection of young fruits stimulates the plant to flower and create new fruitlets. Leaving them on the plant for too long is unfavorable because it inhibits the plant's development and the appearance of these fruits.
People looking for high-qualitypatison seeds and other vegetables , we recommend the shop of our guide.We sell varieties of vegetables that yield very well and are resistant to diseases and unfavorable growing conditions. By sowing these seeds you will see how easy it can be to grow a patison in your garden. To see the seeds offer, click on the image below.
MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak