Trześniówka seed. Ecological control and spraying

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Trześniówka seedis a pest that causes worming of cherries. We suggest proven methods forecological control of the seed beetle , which use the life cycle of this pest. See what the trześniówka seedfly looks like and learn about proven ways to deal with worms in cherries and cherries. We also advise on how to performsprays on the trześniówka seedfly

Trześniówka seed on cherry fruit
Fig. Bauer Karl, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commona

What does the trześniówka seedlings look like?

Adult beetle insectis a glossy black flycatcher 4-5 mm long. It has one pair of wings with a characteristic pattern resembling irregular zebra stripes. A yellow-orange disc can be seen between the wings on the body.
Feeding in the fruitthe larvae of the emerald seedare white, up to 4 mm long, and have no legs.

Trześniówka seed - harmfulness

The harmfulness of the trześniówka seedflyconsists in laying eggs on the fruits of cherries. These eggs hatch the larvae of the pest, i.e. the worms we findworms in cherriesThe fruit becomes soft and you can observe a slight concave surface of the fruit skin.

Trześniówka seed - life cycle

The life cycle of the seed beetleis very well known. The pest spends most of its life under the soil surface, first as a larva and then as a pupa.Flies fly out of the soil around the end of May and lay their eggs on sweet cherries. The larvae develop in the fruit for several weeks. This is when you can see worms in cherries. Thenthe larvae of the sessile seedling fall to the ground under the treesThey bury themselves here to survive the winter and wait until the next spring.
So as you can see the entirelife cycle of the earthworm seedruns near the attacked cherry or cherry tree. The larvae of the pest hibernate in the ground directly under the trees and this fact is worth using in the fight against this pest.

The larva of the needle larva inside the fruit
Fig. Bauer Karl, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commona

Trześniówka seed - ecological control

Ecological control of the tyranny seedflyis based on the life cycle of this pest and takes advantage of its behavior. First of all, it is worth choosing early varieties of cherries for cultivation, the fruits of which we will be able to collect before the flies start flying and laying eggs.The most famous varieties of cherries that bear fruit early enough are Burlat and Rivan.

However, if we already have trees of later varieties in the garden, it is worth using the method ofspreading a non-woven fabric or mesh with very fine meshes under the cherry and cherry trees(it can be, for example, finely woven gauze or agrotextile). Such a fabric must cover the surface of the ground under the tree very precisely.
The material should be placed under the trees no later than mid-MayThis will make it difficult for the flies to get out of the ground and into the trees. The second time the non-woven fabric is laid out at the end of June to stop the larvae of the tapeworm larvae falling from the trees. Dense mesh or non-woven fabric will prevent the larvae from burying themselves in the ground for overwintering.
If we have not spread the non-woven fabric on the ground, you can after the harvest of cherries is finisheddig the ground under the treesto bury them in bring the larvae to the surface. Some of the larvae will die in this way or be eaten by the birds.

The larva of the needle larva inside the fruit
Fig. Hectonichus, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commona

Unfortunately, these methods are impossible to implement if there is a lawn under trees. Then we still havehanging yellow sticky labelson the branches of cherries and cherries in the period from mid-May to the beginning of July. In this way, we will eliminate some of the harmful flies. It is also possible to hang pheromone traps on the scythe. The latter are so much better that the pheromone contained in them only attracts harmful seeds. Therefore, they are safer for beneficial insects, which can accidentally get caught in sticky traps.
Hanging traps supportsecological control of the tyranny knotweedbut the effectiveness of this method is low. We can only use it as an aid with other methods, but the traps alone will not save our fruit.

Trześniówka seed - spraying

It is also possible to control the tyranny knotweedby spraying with insecticides during the flight of flies and laying eggs. This date can be determined by observing the presence of flies on yellow sticky plates hung among the trees. It is best to hang them 1.5-1.8 m above the ground, in the sunny places of the tree crown, on the south side. Sticky boards are hung on a soft wire or string, which allows them to be freely viewed and rotated. Hang the sticky traps in the orchard in mid-May and check every 2-3 days until the first decade of July.
Spraying on the tartar seedis done within 7-9 days after the first flies have emerged, and again after about 2 weeks, during the next intensification of flight. Most often, the dates of spraying fall on the end of the first and third decade of June, but in individual years, depending on weather conditions, the date may change.
The observation of black locust trees, commonly known simply as acacia, is also helpful in setting the date of spraying the seed beetle . Well, the first spraying on the black beetle seed should be carried out about 7-10 days after the confirmation of the mass flowering of the black locust, because at that time the flies fly out of the soil.To combat the black beetle in amateur garden crops, we can use the agent Mospilan 20 SP. This agent is used in the amount of 1.25 g dissolved in 5-9 liters of water. This amount is enough to spray an area of ​​100 m².

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