Plant protection - Page 24

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"align=left height=110 width=110 does a bonsai tree lose leaves? "
It happens very often that a bonsai tree loses leaves and we find more and more of them around the pot every day. Why is this happening and what to do in this situation? Here are the top 5 causes of bonsai leaf fall. See how to remedy them and save your beloved plant! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Fruit Bands "
Fruit tree ties are a good way to reduce the occurrence of pests. Corrugated cardboard bands and adhesive bands can be used in the gardens. See how and when to put bands on tree trunks and what pests we can fight in this way. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 prime. Natural control in orchards and gardens "
Pre-primeval acne is a butterfly whose caterpillars damage leaf buds, flowers and leaves of many fruit and ornamental trees in the spring. Fighting acne is not difficult and does not require spraying. However, we have to apply a trick. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 in the garden. How to get rid of moss? "
Garden moss appears most often when the soil is acidic, moist, and compacted. The most common problem is moss on the lawn, but it also happens that we observe moss in the vegetable garden and on the pavement or driveway made of paving stones. Fortunately, there are solutions to all of these problems. See how to get rid of moss from the garden and what measures to use to combat moss. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 the mole protected and can it be killed? "
Is the mole protected and what is its legal status? We explain whether you can kill a mole on your plot or in the garden. Check the current regulations and… use common sense! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 pests and their control "
Bielinek cabbage, cabbage cream, ground fleas and other cabbage pests. See how to identify individual cabbage pests and learn the best ways to combat them. We recommend the best spraying and natural methods of cabbage protection against pests. Here are proven ways to get he althy cabbage in your garden! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 syphilis. Symptoms and combating "
Cabbage syphilis is the most dangerous disease of cruciferous plants in Poland. It infects most crops and cruciferous weeds. See how to recognize the symptoms of cabbage syphilis and how to protect vegetables against this disease.Here are the best ways to fight cabbage syphilis and recommended sprays! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Medicinal properties, application, combating "
Sorrel is a hardy perennial that grows wild in meadows and gardens. As a herbal raw material, it is sometimes used in natural medicine and in cooking recipes. Learn about all the properties of this plant and learn how to combat sorrel when it has spread too much in your garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 substances in organic farming "
You have them at home at hand. You can use regular sugar, s alt, vinegar, sunflower oil or even beer in your garden. Moreover, in the European Union countries, these products can be legally used in organic farming. Their effectiveness has been scientifically proven! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 do I get rid of mice in my house and garden? "
Mice can be very nuisance, both in the home and in the garden. In homes, they become a problem mainly in autumn and winter, when they seek shelter and food inside buildings. See what damage mice do and how to recognize which species of mice has become your home. We suggest the best ways to get rid of mice in your home and garden! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 cabbage butterflies. How to fight caterpillars on cabbage? "
The cabbage butterflies are a troublesome pest of cruciferous vegetables. The green caterpillars of the white-tailed beetle damage cabbage leaves, gnawing numerous holes in them. Such damage occurs en masse in the summer. It is therefore worth finding out how to combat the caterpillars in the vegetable garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 remedies for cabbage pests "
Home remedies for cabbage pests are a great way to avoid the use of plant protection products and grow he althy, chemically-free cabbage heads on your plot. Discover 5 home remedies for cabbage pests that will work in your garden! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 plant diseases "
The key to the cultivation of berry bushes is the quick and correct diagnosis of the causes of diseases. And not only those that have already appeared on a given plantation. It is extremely important to prevent disease with prophylaxis. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 of ornamental plants "
Diseases of ornamental plants are found in almost every garden. They contribute to the weakening of plants and deterioration of their appearance, often destroying our efforts to care for the garden. See how to recognize diseases of ornamental plants and what sprays are worth doing. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 against aphids. How to lure ladybugs into the garden? "
Luring ladybirds into your garden is a well-known way to deal with aphids. A single ladybug can eat more than 5,000 aphids throughout its lifecycle. Here are 5 proven ways to lure ladybugs into your garden. Read more … ◄ BACKNEXT ►
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