Table of contents
"align=left height=110 width=110 protective hoods for plants "
Many plants grown in gardens, balconies or terraces are sensitive to low temperatures. To protect these specimens against frost and winter winds, we can use winter protective hoods for plants, which appeared on our market quite recently. This is a quick and convenient way to protect plants from winter. See what are the advantages and disadvantages of using protective hoods for plants and what to pay attention to when buying them. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 roses for winter - covering, capping, trimming "
Securing roses for the winter is usually a necessity, as these shrubs are not frost-resistant enough in our climate. Thanks to appropriately selected actions, it is possible to make our roses survive even a very cold winter. See how best to protect roses for the winter, when and how to cover them, whether pruning roses for the winter is advisable. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect roses on a trunk against winter "
Trunk roses, also referred to as standard roses, are grafted forms taking the shape of characteristic rose trees. Unfortunately, although very pretty, such plants are usually sensitive to frost. Therefore, it is very important to properly protect the roses on the trunk against winter. Both the rootstock, i.e. the stem of such a rose, and the decorative variety grafted on it, forming the crown of the rose tree, require protection.Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect fruit trees for winter "
Protection for the winter is primarily required by young, newly planted fruit trees. Typical protective measures include making mounds at the base of trunks, setting orchard covers against rodents and deer, whitewashing trunks of fruit trees with lime, and covering the crowns of the most sensitive species. See how to protect trees for winter, with what materials to cover and when to do it. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect blueberry for winter? "
American blueberry is usually characterized by high frost resistance, but low temperatures can be very harmful to young seedlings and some sensitive varieties. See how to protect the American blueberry for the winter and which varieties of blueberries require protection against frost! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect conifers in winter - protection against frost and snow "
Most of the coniferous trees and shrubs seem to be frost-resistant enough to avoid the winter chills. However, in spring you can often see browned shoots, deformed twigs and whole plants dying not only in gardens but also on balconies and terraces. See in which cases it is required to protect conifers against frost and snow and how to best protect conifers for the winter. Read more …
"align=left to protect ornamental grasses for winter "
After the beautiful autumn flowering of grasses, as soon as frost sets in, it is worth considering how to protect ornamental grasses for the winter. Many species, such as Japanese mole, Red Baron and Pony Tails require additional frost protection.Read more …
"align=left to protect hydrangeas for winter "
Flower buds in summer, in the year preceding their blooming, require protection for the winter. Otherwise, their flower buds will freeze and the plants will not bloom. See how to protect hydrangeas for winter, what materials to use for this and when to start installing winter protection for hydrangeas. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to protect magnolia for winter? "
Magnolia is one of the frost-sensitive plants, especially early-flowering varieties. If there is damage due to the temperature drop, the plants will not bloom and will lose their true charm. See when and how to protect magnolia for winter to avoid dangerous frost damage and wait for the plant to bloom abundantly. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 plants against frost "
Every year, late spring frosts cause significant losses in many gardens in our country. The days are mostly warm and sunny at this time of the year, which causes plants to begin vegetation and thus lose their resistance to low temperatures. As a result, the nighttime temperature drop, even slightly below 0 ° C, causes many plants that have already entered the phase of active growth to freeze. How to prevent it? Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 frosts in the orchard "
Spring frosts in the orchard can do a lot of damage. Frosted flowers or fruit buds on fruit trees are not uncommon. See when frosts can occur and how to prevent damage to fruit plants by frost. Here are proven methods for frost in the orchard! Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 to use agrotextiles "
An agrotextile is an increasingly used material for plant covering. The agrotextile cover is light (it does not burden or damage plants), partially permeates moisture, air and light, allowing plants to continue their vegetation processes. As a result, the nonwoven agrotextile wins in competition with other, more traditional plant covering materials. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 agrotextile or agrotextile. How do they differ and how to use them? "
Agrotextile and agrotextile are very popular materials used in gardening. Almost all of us met with them and faced a dilemma: which one to use in your garden. See how agrotextile differs from agrotextile and how to use it. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 of vegetables on the plot "
Despite proper care, every year vegetable cultivation in our plots may be attacked by numerous diseases and pests, reducing the size and quality of the crop. See what the protection of vegetables on the plot should look like and which methods of controlling vegetable diseases and pests are the best. Read more …
"align=left height=110 width=110 and pests of green beans "
Beans are sensitive to low temperatures, therefore thermal stress damage is often observed. Beans that are infected or attacked by pests have limited growth, dry out frequently and yield less. See how to recognize diseases and pests of green beans and learn the best ways to combat them! Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►