Czubajka kite - nutritional values, cultivation, recipes

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Czubajka kania(Macrolepiota procera) is a mushroom from the mushroom family, usually eaten in breadcrumbs or as an addition to scrambled eggs. Highly valued for its taste, unfortunately also easy to confuse with the deadly toadstool. However, we do not have to risk a mistake. We can safely obtain deliciouskites from growing in our own garden ! Now it is possible thanks to the convenient-to-use media containing the mycelium of kani.

Czubajka kite from its own cultivation in the garden

Czubajka kite - nutritional values ​​

Czubajka kitecan be harvested in forests from July to October, and therefore all summer until autumn. It can be found on the edges of deciduous and coniferous forests, in forest clearings and meadows, often also on the roadsides.
Kani hats can be eatenand they mainly contain all the nutritional values ​​for which it is worth eating these mushrooms. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, PP and E, as well as numerous mineral s alts. 80% of kites are water, and the remaining 20% ​​of their mass is mostly protein and some carbohydrates and fats. As a low-calorie productkites can be recommended to people who are slimming

Czubajki kites are recommended for vegetarians , because their hats contain easily digestible exogenous amino acids, i.e. those that the human body is unable to produce itself and must receive them in food .Eating kania is a good way to supplement these amino acids in a vegetarian diet.
Kites are also a good source of fiberHowever, we must remember that the fiber they contain is hard to digest chitin. For this reason, kites should not be consumed by children under 6, as well as the elderly and people with he alth problems. You shouldn't eat too much kani at a time.

Kite tastes great fried in breadcrumbs. They are fried in a similar way to pork chops

Czubajka kite - appearance

The most characteristic part of the kite's hat isIn young mushrooms the hats are egg-shaped, closed, and brown. They open up over time, taking the shape of an umbrella, and they also turn brighter. Eventually, they become flat and spread, and their diameter can reach up to 30 cm. This makes them one of the largest hats found in mushrooms growing in our forests.Many people say thatthe kite's hat resembles an umbrella decorated with owl feathersThat is why this mushroom is also commonly called an umbrella or an owl.
It is also worth paying attention to thecannula shaft, which can be up to 40 cm high but not more than 2 cm in diameter. On the shaft of the canoe, usually in its upper part, there is also a movable cream-colored ring. At the ground, the stem is much thicker, bulbous, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Czubajka kite - mushrooms with varying degrees of maturity

Czubajka kite and toadstool - differences

Unfortunately, thekite tip is often confused with the phalloids toadstool , which is highly poisonous and can even be fatal if ingested. Younger kites are most often confused with toadstools. Therefore, it is worth paying attention todifferences between the chubajka kite and the toadstool
Here are the 4 most important differences between the black-tailed toadstool and the toadstool :

    mature kites have a flat hat with a small hump on the middle part, while in the phallosome toadstool the hat is flatter,
  1. on the kani's hat you will find cracked, flaky skin and rough brown spots, while the toadstool hats are smooth on the top, olive green,
  2. the kani blades are beige, and the toadstool is white,
  3. the ring on the canine's shaft is mobile, while in the phylumbius it is pendulous and slightly collar-shaped.

Czubajka kite and toadstool - differences

Despite these differences, both mushrooms are often confused, and the mistakes have tragic consequences. Therefore, lovers of the taste of this mushroom are encouraged togrow a kite in the garden by yourself !

Czubajka kite - cultivation in the garden

Chubajka kania can be safely obtained from our owngrowing kites in the gardenIt is possible thanks to the availability of ready-to-use,substrate with kani mycelium Such a substrate can be easily ordered online.With such a special substrate,
cultivating kites in the gardenbecomes child's play. The media with kite mycelium on sale are in the form of cubes. After receiving the parcel, look for a shaded place in the garden, e.g. under a tree or shrub, and dig a hole approximately 60x40 cm in size and 20 cm deep. Simply large enough to fit in our cube of fungus.

Kit for growing kites in the cold

When choosinga place to dig the ground with a kite , it is worth remembering that in the natural environment this fungus grows most often among grasses, on clay soils and rich in calcium.It avoids acidic and very humid habitats. Therefore, you should not look for a particularly wet place for your kite, it will be enough to just shade it, it will be perfect on the edge of the lawn.
After digging the hole, remove the foil packaging from the cube with the substrate and place it in the hole. Then we cover with a 3 cm layer of good, humus soil, preferably with compost soil or peat.When the kite mycelium grows in the ground , you should only sprinkle the soil with water once a week, but only if it has not rained for at least a week. Excessive moisture is not very good at all. The mushrooms will appear within 3-6 months.

Czubajka kania - recipes

Kani hatseat only after frying, boiling or baking.
The most popularrecipe for a dish made of cannabisis to soak kani hats in milk, then fry them in breadcrumbs and eggs, just like pork chops.
You can alsofry kites in a pancake batteror use with onion as an addition to scrambled eggs.
The best areOven kitesTo prepare this kite dish, coat the kani hats without soaking in milk, then sprinkle with olive oil and put them in the oven until they turn golden brown. Lick your fingers!

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