Rhododendrons , which include rhododendrons and azaleas, are beautiful shrubs with wonderful flowers and very attractive leaves, thanks to which they also look beautiful after flowering. However, it is very common for rhododendrons to bloom poorly and to show unsightly discoloration and stains on their leaves. Improperfertilization of rhododendronsmay be to blame, as these plants are sensitive to both the deficiency of nutrients in the soil and their excess. Seehow to properly fertilize rhododendronsand whatrhododendron fertilizerto choose so that these shrubs bloom beautifully and grow he althily!
Fertilizing rhododendrons
Rhododendrons, as plants from the forest environment, require humus soils rich in organic matter. An additional important factor required from the substrate in which rhododendrons grow is acidity (pH 4.5 - 6.0). Such a substrate can be obtained by mixing garden soil with compost and acid peat. You can also use the special rhododendron soil available in the garden shop.
It should be remembered thatrhododendrons are very sensitive to both the deficiency of nutrients in the soil and the excess of , causing soil salinity. Therefore, whenfertilizing rhododendrons in the garden , we must provide them with all the required brands and micronutrients, at the same time taking care not to apply fertilizers in too high doses.
Usuallyrhododendron fertilization starts in April and ends in mid-July During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are used to support the development of the green mass of rhododendrons and azaleas. Later, from August to September, you can add fertilizers that are nitrogen deficient or not at all, but rich in other ingredients. As a result, the plant will no longer be stimulated to grow and will prepare well for winter.
Looking for the cheapest solution, asrhododendron fertilizer for the spring and summer periodwe can choose ammonium sulphate. It is a nitrogen fertilizer that acidifies the soil, which is highly recommended for rhododendrons. Asautumn fertilizer for rhododendrons , we can choose potassium sulphate, which also acidifies the soil but does not provide such high doses of nitrogen. It is rich in potassium, which makes the stems and green shoots woody, thus making it easier for plants to prepare for winter.
This is the cheapest solution. Unfortunately, not always optimal. Often such fertilization is not enough and a specialrhododendron fertilizer with microelements is necessary .
Rhododendrons need a number of macro- and microelements for proper development, and their deficiency quickly manifests itself in the form of various problems visible on plants, such as poor flowering, browning or the formation of stains and discoloration on the leaves. For example, whenthe tissues between the veins of the rhododendron leaves turn yellowand small brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves, this indicates a potassium deficiency. Boron deficiency is manifested byred or brown spots at the leaf marginsIn turn, yellowing of the tissue between the leaf veins, while the innervation itself remains green, indicates iron deficiency.Browning of the rhododendron leaf bladesmay indicate a phosphorus deficiency.
Therefore, when fertilizing rhododendrons, it is worth choosingspecial rhododendron fertilizers , containing all the necessary macro- and microelements in the right proportions.
A great fertilizer of this type is the Target fertilizer for rhodendrons, azaleas and magnolias with micronutrients. It contains macronutrients: nitrogen (8%), phosphorus (7%), potassium (11.5%), magnesium (4%), sulfur (8%) and additionally micronutrients: boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc.
Sincerhododendrons are sensitive to over-fertilization and excessive soil salinity , slow-release rhododendron fertilizers such as Long Acting Osmocote Substral for Rhododendrons will also be a good choice. It is enough to apply this fertilizer once a season - in spring.
Rhododendron fertilizers
If we have already noticed symptoms of nutrient deficiencieson our rhododendrons , the soil pH should be measured. This can be done with any pH meter. Simple and inexpensive pH testers are available from garden stores. If the soil pH is higher than 6, it is first of all necessary to acidify the soil, becauseif the pH is too high, rhododendrons cannot take some nutrients from the soil
If the pH is correct (or as an additional aid in addition to soil acidification), it is worth usingrhododendron intervention fertilizer , eg Substral Magiczna Strength - intervention fertilizer for rhododendrons. This fertilizer, after dissolving in water, can be used both in soil (for watering) and as foliar application (for spraying). Thanks to this, the fertilizer ingredients are very efficiently transported to the plant tissues, bringing quickly visible results and improving the growth of rhododendrons.
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