Pests that attack rosesmost often damage leaves, shoots or flower buds. Sometimes symptoms of occurrence, such as holes gouged in leaves, are easily recognized and attributed to the pest. Sometimes, however, the symptoms of the pest are spots or discoloration of the leaves, which are easily mistaken for a disease. Learnhow to recognize pests on rosesand how to combat them in gardens. Here are the bestways to protect roses from pests !
Aphids on a rose shoot
The most common rose pests are undoubtedlyrose-bristle aphidShrubs attacked by aphids grow slower and have distorted leaves and flowers. Aphids release a sticky discharge on which fungi develop, covering the leaves with a black coating. Aphids, collected in colonies, feed from May to mid-June on the tops of shoots and flower buds, sucking the sap from plants. These pests hatch from eggs that hibernate under the lower shoots of the bushes. Hatching young insects move to the tops of the shoots, where they multiply en masse.
The incidence of aphids can be reduced by cutting the tops of shoots and leaves together with the pest colonies. Sometimes they can be washed off with a strong stream of water. If the aphids are numerous, the infected bushes should be sprayed with one of the following preparations: Fastac 100 EC, Confidor 200 SL, Mospilan 20 SP, Pirimor 500 WG. There are also ready-made preparations, convenient for amateur use: Pirimix New AE or Provado Plus AE.People who avoid the use of chemical pesticides can choose the very effective in the fight against aphids, a natural preparation based on natural ingredients, Agrocover, available as a concentrate for the preparation of liquid for spraying and as a convenient, ready-to-use spray.
Rose leaf springcauses bright spots to appear on the upper side of the leaves, first along the main vein, then over the entire surface. The leaves become marbled, then turn white and fall off. The appearing spots on the leaves are easy to spot, and the pests should be looked for on the underside of the leaves, where both the larvae and adults of the rose leafhopper feed. Adults are up to 3 cm long and yellowish, the larvae differ only in the absence of wings. The first generation appears at the end of May and June, the second in August and September (hence in July, despite the lack of pest control, the disappearance of the symptoms of its occurrence is observed, but this is wrong, because the jumper will attack again soon).The bushes infested by the leafhopper are sprayed with the following preparations: Decis 2.5 EC, Fastac 10 EC.
White spots along the leaf nerve are symptoms of feeding rose leaf
It is also worth adding thatthe symptoms caused by the rose leaf are sometimes confused with the discoloration of the leaves , resulting from nutrient deficiencies, the so-called chlorosis. In chlorosis, the leaf tissue between the veins becomes lighter but the veins themselves remain dark green. In the case of the leafhopper, bright spots are concentrated along the veins of the leaves, and the surfaces between the veins are still green. On one of the horticultural forums, someone called the symptoms caused by the jumper reverse chlorosis. "
Rose jumper feeds from the underside of the leaf
Strong leaf damage, so-called dovivore (only the main nerve remains from the heavily eaten leaf) causeslarvae of the rosebudand the cinderella stripper.The larvae can feed on the leaves from spring to autumn, but most of them are in August and September (second generation). How to recognize them? It is very easy as these larvae are very distinctive! These green caterpillars on roses reach a length of up to 20 mm, are bluish green in color with black spots around the nipples. During foraging, the abdomen is kept curled downwards or raised upwards in such a way that they form an S-shape. Spraying against these pests should be made as soon as they are noticed. Contact preparations are used, e.g. Decis 2.5 EC, Sumi-Alpha 050 EC.
Rose of the rosebud larvae
Very characteristic symptoms, visible on rose leaves, are caused byrose nymphWell, after laying eggs on the underside of the leaf, the female pest punctures the leaf tissue near the central vein. As a result, in a very characteristic way, the rose leaves curl inwards to form a roll.In summer, in these rolls, we find foraging larvae ranging from 8 to 9 mm long, initially whitish, then light green. Affected leaves turn yellow and then fall off. The most effective form of fighting macula is to remove damaged leaves before the larvae drop them.
The rose hymen causes the leaves to roll up into a roll
Another pest that commonly inhabits roses but also many other garden plants is the spider mite. As a result of its feeding, small yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, initially along the veins, then the entire surface of the leaf becomes marbled. With a high concentration of spider mites, the leaves turn yellow, dry at the edges, and then fall off. It may happen that the leaves will be covered with a thin cobweb.
Such damage is caused by both larvae and adults of the spider mite - a small mite with 8 legs, not exceeding 1 mm in length and from yellowish-green to red-orange in color.Spider mites feed from May to August on the lower side of the leaves. The control of spider mites on roses consists in carefully raking the leaves from under the bushes in autumn in order to destroy the larvae and adults. In summer, spray the plants with a spider mite preparation, such as Karate Zeon 050 CS.
Fluff-furrow shooter and rose leaf curl arerose pestscausing wilt, blackening and drying of the tops of the shoots. The larvae of these pests bite into the shoots, digging into corridors in them. Damage to the top of the shoot by the larva favors the release of side shoots by the plant. Chemical control of these pests is very difficult and may not bring any results. Therefore, the best and safest method is to cut out the affected shoots before the larvae leave them. The cut shoots are best burned to kill the pest.
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