Apple rootstocksaffect such features of varieties as growth strength, frost resistance or even susceptibility to diseases. The selection of the right rootstock is therefore as important as the selection of the apple variety that produces fruit with the desired characteristics. In this article, we describethe most popular rootstocks used for apple treesand we suggest which one to choose.
The washers regulate, among others tree growth strength
Pictured apple tree on dwarf rootstock
Individualrootstocks for grafting apple treeshave a different effect on the same apple variety.They influence the abundance of yields, regulate the growth force, frost resistance and susceptibility to diseases of the obtained tree. The most importantproperties of rootstocks for apple treesare to give the tree an appropriate height and adapt it to the prevailing climatic conditions. Therefore, the features that we shouldfollow when buying thewasher are primarily: resistance to frost and growth strength.
Trees with the smallest growth force (reaching the smallest height) can be obtainedby grafting apple trees on dwarf rootstocksTrees obtained from such rootstocks are usually less viable than those grafted on stronger rootstocks, and also require staking.
M 9 (Malling 9) ? English washer. It is the most famous and most used rootstock for apple trees in the world. It was found accidentally. Apple trees grafted on the M 9 rootstock begin to bear fruit in the 2nd or 3rd year after planting.The yields are very good every year. Its disadvantage is low resistance to frost and drought. This is due to the construction of the root system. It is shallow, poorly developed and fragile. For this reason, trees should be staked, especially during the fruiting period.
P 59- this is a Polish rootstock for apple trees. It is characterized by high frost resistance and low susceptibility to diseases. Apple trees grafted on P59 bear fruit in the second year of cultivation. It is recommended for fertile soils because it grows poorly on weaker and light soils. The disadvantage of this rootstock is the shallow root system, which means that trees require supports and are sensitive to drought.
P 22- another Polish washer. It is recommended for very fertile and irrigated soils due to the weak root system. It is particularly well-suited to vigorous apple cultivars as it grows very poorly on its own. Its great advantage is high resistance to frost and disease. The trees require supports, they enter the fruiting period in the second year of cultivation.
M 26 (Malling 26)- English rootstock. Apple trees grafted on the M 26 rootstock develop a shallow root system, therefore it is necessary to use supports. It is recommended for light soils. Its advantage is high frost resistance. The trees start bearing fruit in the third year after planting. It tends to create root suckers.
P 14- Polish rootstock, characterized by high resistance to frost, diseases and drought. Apple trees grafted on this rootstock bear fruit in the 2-3rd year of cultivation, giving abundant harvests. Trees require staking. It is arootstock very well adapted to growing in the climate of Poland
P 60- Polish rootstock with a characteristic brown-carmine color of shoots and leaves and red-carmine wood. Roots very well and deeply. It does not like compact and wet soils, therefore it is recommended for planting orchards on light soils.It has a high frost resistance, but it may be reduced by short-term warming in winter.
M 7 (Malling 7)- English rootstock. Due to low frost resistance, apple trees grafted on it should be grown in warmer regions of Poland. Shoots are purple-brown. There are no soil requirements - it can be grown in sandy and loamy soils. It produces a very strong root system, so it is not necessary to stake the trees. Apple trees grafted onto this rootstock begin to bear fruit in the third year of cultivation.
MM 106 (Malling - Merton 106)- English washer. It is not very resistant to frost and is very sensitive to annular rot of the base of the trunk and to powdery mildew. In soil, it rooting well, thanks to which apple trees grow well in poor soils and do not require staking. Apple trees begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting. The trees yield abundantly, but the quality of the fruit is worse than that of apples grafted on other rootstocks.
Table - list of rootstocks for apple trees
A2 (Alnarp 2)- washer selected in Sweden. This apple rootstock is very resistant to frost and not very susceptible to diseases. Apple trees grafted on the A2 rootstock begin fruiting only in the fourth year of cultivation. A well-developed root system is conducive to cultivation in any soil.
MM 111 (Mallin - Merton 111)- another English washer. Apple trees grafted on it begin fruiting in the third or fourth year of cultivation. The MM 111 rootstock is characterized by a well-developed root system, thanks to which the trees tolerate drought well and can be grown in any soil. This rootstock is quite frost-resistant, but may freeze in snowless winters. However, it quickly regenerates frost damage on its own. It is prone to disease, especially root tuberosity.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach