The unrolled sagowiecis one of the most interesting plants that can be grown in homes. In its appearance, it combines the features of a palm and a fern, although it is not either of them. It is decorated with a plume of stiff leaves growing at the top of a bulbous, hard base. See whatgrowing a cyclist at home should look likeand what conditions should be provided for it for he althy growth. We revealthe secrets of caring for the inverted cyclist , thanks to which this plant will grow beautifully for many years!
Cycas revoluta
Fig. © Rafał Okułowicz
Cycas revoluta(Cycas revoluta) comes from South Japan. It belongs to the Cycadaceae family, plants that appeared on Earth in the Mesozoic era. These are plants on the border of ferns and conifers.The unwound cyclist is a long-lived plant(in its natural environment it reaches the age of several thousand years!) With slow growth - it produces 1-2 leaves a year, and after 50 years it is only 6-7 m tall .
The inverted cyclist has extremely effective, stiff pinnate leavesthat can reach amazing sizes. In nature, they grow up to 150 cm in length, and in home cultivation, they reach about 50-60 cm. Single leaves are stiff, pointed and curled downwards. The lower leaves are transformed into sharp, hooked thorns. The leaf petioles are approx. 10 cm long and covered with tiny thorns.
Especiallythe structure of the sago trunk is interesting From a biological point of view, it is not a trunk, because cycads are not trees. This is called log, made of woody leaf bases. When they die, the upper parts of the leaves fall off and the lignified roots remain, forming a hard, cylindrical shell over time.The older the cyclist is, the higher the family is "
Cycads are dioecious plants . In the wild, female specimens produce impressive cone-shaped inflorescences (up to 1 m high). In Polish conditions, the flowering of the cycads is a rarity, possible only in botanical gardens.
1. Cycladic position and temperature
Unrolled cycads should be grownin an area with plenty of sunlight. However, direct sunlight should be avoided, especially in summer, as it causes the leaves to dry out. Cyclops should not stand too far from the window, because the leaves bend strongly towards the light and the plant loses its symmetrical appearance.With too little light, the cyclist dies.
The flower of the inverted cyclist
Fig. pixabay
A unwound cyclist requires high air temperature . The optimum temperature for the cultivation of cycads is up to 20-25 ° C. The temperature can be lower at night (10-18 ° C). The cyclist is sensitive to temperatures below 8 ° C. In winter, be very careful of drafts.
In winter, you can move the cyclist to a cooler room(10-15 ° C) so that it goes into a state of rest. Then we limit watering to a minimum, ensuring that the soil in the pot is not completely dry. Such rest in cooler conditions has a positive effect on the overall condition of the plant and stimulates it to produce new leaves (most often in May).
2. Substrate and fertilization of the cycads
The best substrate for the cultivation of a reeled cyclistis a light, porous mixture consisting of leaf earth, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 3: 2: 1.The heavy substrate in the pot will retain water for too long and hinder the development of the root system. The pH of the substrate should be 5-6.5. A layer of stone drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot.
Sagowiec should be grown in shallow and wide potsto limit the growth of the main tap root and stimulate the development of side roots. Lateral roots live in symbiosis with cyanobacteria that can bind nitrogen from the air. As a result, the sago does not require frequent fertilization and the substrate rich in nutrients.Sagowiec is fertilized 1-2 times a yearfertilizer with little nitrogen but high potassium content.
Adult cyclist plant growing in Egypt
Fig. Karelj, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons
3. Watering a retracted cyclist
Watering the cycads should be moderate but regularIn summer, the substrate should be constantly slightly moist, and almost dry in winter.A good solution is to cover the soil in the pot around the log with moss, which will retain moisture in the substrate.Watering the cycads too much causes yellowing of the leaves and root rot.After watering the cycads, remove the water that has accumulated in the base. For watering, we use soft water, at least decayed, and preferably boiled.
Every few daysthe sago leaves should be sprinkled with soft waterto prevent the tips from drying out. It is best to moisten the leaves in the morning so that the water drops can dry before the night.
4. Transplanting a retracted cyclist
Cyclops grows very slowly, so it does not require frequent pot changesYoung plants are transplanted once a year in spring. Older plants are replanted every 4-6 years, when the roots have completely filled the pot.Replanting the cycads should be done very carefully as its roots are very sensitivee. Place the plant in a new pot in a slightly shaded place for a few days to allow it to acclimatize to the new substrate.
When transplanting older cycads, you can notice offshoots around the roots . They can be gently separated and rooted in separate pots. This is a simple way topropagate the inverted cyclistin home cultivation.
Warning!All parts of the sago contain a paralyzing naurotoxin, which is dangerous for humans. Therefore, protective gloves should be worn during all care procedures. A particularly high concentration of poison is found in young cycads' leaves.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach