Spruce hedge - recommended species, planting, cutting, care

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Spruce hedgeis an unusual decoration and protection for our garden. Although in nature, spruce is a large tree, when planted in a lane, it tolerates cutting well and allows it to form a hedge. Seewhich species of spruce are best for a hedgeand how to plant, cut and maintain a spruce hedge to make it a dense green partition for many years, separating the garden from the street or the neighbor's property.

Spruce hedge
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

Spruce tolerates cutting very welltherefore it is recommended for formed hedges.They are a very good wind barrier. In addition, spruce trees, especially Norway spruce, are not expensive, which makesa spruce hedge cheap in the assumptionHowever, it is worth remembering that when setting up a spruce hedge, it must be in a sunny position. It is also worth cutting them because of better compaction and protection against emptying the lower branches. Spruce hedges can also be planted in unformed rows to emphasize their wonderful natural habit.

Species of spruce recommended for a hedge

Serbian spruceis a species that looks particularly nice in unformed lanes. Its slender and dense habit creates a compact and evergreen, tall veil. It protects well against wind and snow. Serbian spruce grows quickly, 35-100 cm per year, which can be corrected by pruning. It does not have particularly high soil requirements, although it grows best in heavy and fertile soils.

Norway spruceis ideal for cut spruce hedges which allows a dense, opaque curtain, although in our country you can still find spruce hedges in a cut form.In order to manage a Norway spruce hedge, cut its tops off and repeat this procedure for several years until the spruce thickens sufficiently. It is worth remembering that Norway spruce has high cultivation requirements, prefers fertile and moist soil and clean air.

Blue Spruceis one of the more popular species of spruce. It has stiff, prickly needles with a nice bluish - green color. As a tree, it reaches up to 20 m in height. It grows well in the form of a cut hedge. Its main conductor should then be trimmed to make the spruce branch out to the sides. Thisspruce hedgeshould be cut once a year, preferably in August. Unlike Norway spruce, it tolerates dry and polluted air very well, so it is suitable for cities. The only thing that Blue Spruce hates is shade.

Spruce hedge
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl

How to plant a spruce hedge

Spruce hedgedue to lower costs, it is most often established from plants dug out of the ground. Such spruce seedlings should be planted at the end of August or at the turn of April and May. Spruce trees growing in containers can be planted all year round, except during the winter period when the ground is frozen.
The place underspruce hedgeshould be well dug and the pits for spruce planting should be dug to take into account the size of the spruce root ball. It should be remembered that when planting spruce and any other conifers, avoid too high a density. We plant spruce trees so that the seedlings after planting in a hedge do not touch each other. They are usually planted at intervals of 30-50 cm. Hedge spruce trees are usually planted in one row. With the right cut, they should thicken enough. Plants should be planted as deep as they grew in the nursery or container.It is very important to tread the ground around newly planted spruce trees. Finally, the plants must be watered abundantly.

Spruce hedge care

Caring for a spruce hedgeis first of all keeping the substrate moist and fertilizing it regularly. Remember not to fertilize spruce immediately after planting, because too much mineral s alt for newly planted plants is not beneficial. Usually, it is recommended to add half the dose only when we notice the first growths on our spruce hedge. When caring for a spruce hedge, it is also worth remembering to mulch the soil, which will improve its humidity and limit the growth of weeds. Pine bark works well as a bedding material.

Cutting a spruce hedge

The spruce hedge should be cut regularlyThis will make it denser. You should also limit its growth upwards, because spruces are tall trees after all.When they grow excessively large, trimming the trunk hard can lead to plant death. That is why their tops need to be slightly shortened every year.
Young spruce trees planted on a hedgerequire careful pruning for the first few years. Their buds are concentrated at the end of the shoots and at the base, while in the middle there are few of them. For this reason, it is best to prune these plants in spring, shortening last year's growths at the base. We do the same with the spruce guide. You can then expect the emergence of many short shoots, and thus a thickening of the hedge.
In the following years, cutting of spruce hedges can be carried out with hedge trimmers, treating spruces similarly to thujas.We cut right after the end of this year's growth , when the shoot is still quite soft and the needles are not fully straightened. The work is then lighter and strong buds quickly form at the ends of freshly trimmed shoots.

How to become confident in pruning plants?

If you are unsure how to cut or simply afraid to do it, the fantastic book "Cutting School" will help you. Thanks to it, you will gain confidence in pruning plants and learn to cut plants so that they grow according to your expectations. After reading this book, your approach to pruning plants will probably change completely!

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