Hyssop(Hyssopus officinalis) is a herbal plant that has been valued for centuries and is commonly known as a sacred herb. Hyssop comes from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and in Poland it is grown on herbal plantations, in gardens and allotments.Hyssop is used primarily in natural medicine and as a kitchen spice, but it is also worth appreciating its decorative qualities and planting as a honey plant. Here's all aboutgrowing medical hyssop !
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis
Fig. pixabay.com
Hyssop is a semi-shrubgrows up to 60 cm high with woody stems at the bottom, densely covered with small, oval leaves. Its double-lipped, deep blue flowers bloom in one-sided spikelets at the tops of the stems from June to September. The fruit is an elongated achenes. The whole plant has a specific, intense fragrance.
The cultivation of medical hyssopwas initiated in Poland by the Benedictines and Cistercians, who planted it in the monastery gardens. Hyssop grows well in warm, sandy loam, well-drained and calcium-rich soils.A sunny position for hyssop cultivation is best , with a southern exposure, as this herb needs a lot of sun.
Hyssop is most often reproduced fromseeds, which are sown directly into the ground in April in spring, or by dividing several-year-old plants.
Hyssop seeds are sown directly into the ground at the end of April . The emergence takes place after 8-14 days. When growing from seedlings, hyssop should be planted permanently in May, spaced 30x40 cm.
The herbal raw material is hyssop herbIt is harvested at the beginning or at full flowering (June-September). It is cut to a height of 15 cm above the ground so as to leave buds from which new shoots will grow. The harvested raw material is dried in the shade at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C. Hyssop herb should be stored in tightly closed packages.
Hyssop is used primarily in medicine.
Hyssop herb is part of herbal blendsthat stimulate digestion. They help to restore normal bowel movements, eliminate the feeling of pain and fullness in the stomach caused by excessive accumulation of gases.The bitterness contained in the hyssop herbstimulates the secretion of digestive juices and increases appetite, facilitating the absorption of food.
In turnessential oilcontained in hyssop herb has an expectorant effect. It enhances the production of liquid bronchial mucus and stimulates the movement of the ciliary epithelium, which in turn facilitates expectoration.
Hyssop was also used in the kitchen . Fresh and dried hyssop herb is used as a spice with a sharp, distinctive flavor and aroma, and to flavor wines and liqueurs.
Fresh hyssop leavescan be added to cottage cheese, vegetable salads and bean dishes after crushing. Hyssop goes well with parsley and celery.
Hyssop is also used in the gardenas a honey plant, attracting beneficial bees, and also as an ornamental plant.
Good to know!
Hyssop is worth growing next to cabbage, because it deters its dangerous pest, which is cabbage cabbage.
Tiny hyssop flowers with a sapphire-violet color contrast nicely with the dark green leaves.Hyssop looks good when planted in a bed with perennials , accompanied by catnip or narrow-leaved lavender. It can also be used as a low hedge plant.
MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs