American Millenium - cultivation, cutting, reproduction

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American Millionaireis a definite star among the vines, which catches the eye with interesting trumpet-shaped flowers in fiery colors. With the right cultivation conditions, milinas can bloom very profusely. See how to care for this interesting climber, how to makecut the American milinand how easy it ispropagating the milinumHere's all aboutcultivation American Million

American Millin

American Millionaire(Campsis radicans) is a strong climber with original trumpet-shaped flowers that can be yellow, red or orange depending on the variety.It blooms from July to September. Reaches about 10 meters in height with a 1-3 meter increment. Polandthe milina variety 'Ursynów'is able to reach even 4 meters in one year. Due to its compact, dense and original habit, large feathery leaves and interesting flowers, millias are best suited for covering high walls and facades.

American Millin - cultivation

The American Millionaireclimbs the supports with the help of attachable roots and twisting shoots. It is important to choose the right place forgrowing the American MillinaIt prefers a sunny, warm and sheltered position. In the shade, flowering will be less effective. Millin will grow best against south walls and strong supports.Requirements of the American Millionas to the soil are not excessive. It will grow in sandy to loamy soil, neutral to alkaline.Caring for the American Millionaireinvolves pruning the shoots, watering them regularly, fertilizing and checking their attachment to the support.

American Millin - cut

American Millionaireis a climber with thick and stiff stems, and itself clings to the surface by which it grows. Delightful flowers adorn the plant growing at the ends of this year's shoots, while these grow from the woody shoots of older ones. That is why it is so important to cut last year's climber's shoots in the spring to stimulate them to sprout new shoots on which flowers will develop.

Initialcutting of the American milletstart after planting. We shorten the shoots about a third at a height of 15 cm. Such a procedure is aimed at stimulating the plant to release numerous new shoots, as well as to strengthen the existing ones. At the end of the season, we shorten the shoots by about half. While removing all sick and redundant and weak shoots. If the climber grows not very strongly, repeat the cut in the following years until it produces a dense habit.
RejuvenatingAmerican milin cutis best spread over 2-3 years. At this time, fertilizing and regularly watering the climber. In the first year, we only cut out dead, diseased shoots down to he althy buds. Then we cut off some of the old shoots. It is good to make such a strong cut in spring. For two or three years, we cut some of the old shoots just above the ground. Leave new shoots, removing only those that thicken the climber excessively.

American Millin - Reproduction

American Millionairereproduces very easily vegetatively. It is enough to take shoot cuttings or make layering from the mother plant. The first methodof the millinais based on collecting shoot cuttings in July. These cuttings are taken from the tops of the shoots. They should be 8-10 cm long. Then we plant them, for example, in the sand in a warm and humid place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. You should remember to sprinkle it with water regularly, maintaining high humidity.The seedling can be additionally covered with perforated foil and gradually exposed as it grows. Leave indoors in winter, preferably at 12 ° C. The American million dollar is planted as a permanent place in April.
The propagation of the American milinby layering consists in placing a he althy shoot on the ground, cutting it and sprinkling it with soil. It is a good idea to leave sections of the shoot above the ground with one or two buds from which the plant will sprout new shoots.

MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs

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