Along with the huge popularity of thuja in our gardens, more and more people ask themselveshow and when to trim thujaThe matter is not so obvious, because some thuja grow slowly and keep their own cut without pruning, others need regular pruning. Seewhen to prune thujafor the best time to cut thuja,how to prune thujato keep it thick, nice shape andhow to trim for a hedgefor an evenly growing row of trees.
How to trim thujas
Thujas can be columnar, conical, spherical or ovoid. Both thuja used for hedges and those recommended for bedding compositions require trimming, howeverthe manner and frequency with which thuja is trimmeddiffer.
Some varieties, such as the thuja 'Danica' or 'Teddy', form a spherical or columnar shape by themselves and do not require regular pruning. In these plants, if necessary, only damaged shoots or those with signs of diseases are cut.
Thuja 'Emerald' and thuja 'Columna' are recommended for unformed hedges, so they also do not require pruning. In turn, the varieties 'Aureospicata', 'Aurescens' or the most popular thuja 'Brabant' are perfect plants for trimmed hedges that need to be trimmed, preferably several times a season.
So, whether to prune thujadepends on the characteristics of a given variety of thuja - its growth rate and the ability to maintain the expected habit without pruning.Alsocutting date for tuimay vary depending on the requirements and purpose of the plant.
The basicterm for trimming tuiis the spring period, which falls in April and May. During this time, cut out all shoots damaged by frost, as well as diseased, irregular and dried branches.Light spring trimming of the thujawill ensure its proper expansion and thickening.In the case of thuja growing in a formed hedge, another pruning may be necessary in the summer.
Good to know!If, in the first years after planting a conical or columnar thuja, you notice that 2 apical shoots compete with each other, remove one of them, preferably the weaker one for a clear guide.
Special pruningrequires thuja growing in the hedge . The first stage of forming a thuja hedge begins with trimming the plants immediately after planting and shortening the shoots again in the spring of the second year.
Propertrimming of hedge thuja , which aims to thicken the shrubs and give them the right form, start in the second year, when new growths appear. This usually takes place at the end of June. When we see that the spring growth is complete and the hedge needs an equation, we start forming.
Thuja hedges are easy to form.Trim young thujas in the spring , before the start of vegetation, and then in the summer. However, this should not be done later than in August, so that the young shoots have time to lignify before winter.
Remember!Never trim the thuja in late fall, as the cutting wounds must have time to heal before winter!
Cut the fresh thuja shoots in half , giving the hedge the desired shape. In the later growing seasons, when the hedge's regenerative capacity decreases, one cut a year is usually enough, usually in June or July.
The thuja hedge should be wider at the base and slightly taper upwards. This shape also provides access to light for the lower parts of the plants and prevents snow from accumulating on the upper surface of the hedge in winter. The edges of the hedge can be rounded.
To trim the thuja evenlyit is worth stretching the strings attached to the stakes along the hedge. The upper one will mark the horizontal cutting line, and the lower one at the base will have an auxiliary function. Start the haircut by trimming the tops of the plants. Note that the trimmed surface of the hedge forms a horizontal plane.
Stems of all types of thuja are soft and easy to trim, so no sophisticated cutting tools are required.A regular hedge trimmer is enough to trim thuja , and a thuja hedge will be conveniently trimmed with a hedge trimmer. In the case of a long hedge, the work will be done faster with the use of electric shears.
Note!In order not to injure the plants and jerk the shoots, the thuja trimming tools should be clean and well sharpened. Before cutting, it is a good idea to disinfect them, which will reduce the risk of transmitting plant diseases to cutting tools.
MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs