Garden autumn flowerscan significantly improve our mood in times when there is less and less sun and days are getting colder. If we plan the discounts with colorfulautumn flowering plants , we will be able to enjoy their beauty for a long time. Autumn is not the end of flowering, and there is a lot to choose from among autumn flowers. We present the most interestingautumn flowers for the garden , which delight with the variety of colors and brilliance of colors!
Autumn flowers for the garden
It is worth remembering thatwe plant autumn flowers in the gardenusually in spring, thanks to which they will be able to grow beautifully and prepare well for flowering. The long growing period makes the fall flowers really beautiful when they bloom. You should also bear in mind that in summer these plants do not look very handsome, so it is worth combining them with plants that bloom all summer and disappear in the fall. Thanks to this, we will create the impression of continuous flowering - some flowers go out, and in the same place others start to bloom.
And if we haven't thought aboutplanting autumn flowers in the garden in advance , we don't have to worry :-) pots. Among them are autumn asters, chryznatems, heathers, ornamental grasses blooming in autumn and the more and more popular colorful ornamental cabbages. Pots with these plants can be placed in the garden, on the balcony, terrace or planted in the garden.
Autumn flowers in pots
Below we present7 most interesting fall flowersto have in your garden!
This type of autumn flowers has about 600 species! Autumn asters form flower baskets, mainly two-colored. They are one of the more famous fall flowers in gardens. Asters prefer a lot of sun because that's when they bloom most profusely. They look especially attractive when planted in large clusters. It is worth remembering that asters, especially when they grow too densely, can attack powdery mildew (fungal disease) and are also susceptible to nematodes.
Asters blooming in autumn
To avoid these diseases and pests,asters should be transplanted every 3-5 years , divided into smaller plants and planted in new places.Against powdery mildew, plants can be sprayed with extract or decoction of horsetail. You can also buy a ready-made horsetail preparation called Evasiol in garden stores. In the fight against nematodes attacking the roots of asters, watering plants with P-Drakol will be helpful.
You should also remember about regularfertilization of autumn astersChoose fertilizers for flowering plants that contain less nitrogen (thanks to which asters do not grow too bulky), but they are rich in phosphorus and potassium, which support abundant flowering. Before winter, it is worth mulching the soil around the asters with a layer of compost a few centimeters. The potted asters can be fertilized organically using natural vermicompost (the preparation is diluted with water for watering).
Here are the most popular species and varieties of autumn asters recommended for gardens:
Bushy aster(Aster dumosus) - blooms in September-October, height 15-50 cm. Water profusely during drought, cut after flowering. Violet-pink flowers.
Heather Aster(Aster ericoides) - blooms in September-October, height 80-120 cm. Fertilize in spring, cut after flowering. Pale pink or violet flowers.
A bushy aster in a bed with other plants
New English aster(Aster novae-angliae) - blooms IX-X, height 100-160 cm. Fertilize with a potassium-rich fertilizer, water it in dry weather, cut it after flowering. Pink and purple flowers.
Aster Novi-Belgii(Aster novi-belgii) - blooms September-October, height 80-140 cm. Fertilize with a small amount of nitrogen, water abundantly in dry weather, and stake. Blue and purple flowers.
Narrow-leaved aster(Aster sedifolius) - blooms in September-October, height 30 cm. We fertilize this autumn aster moderately, water it only during prolonged drought, shorten the shoots in spring. Blue-lavender flowers.
Colorful autumn flowers for the garden
This genus includes almost 200 species of annual plants and perennials, and even small shrubs. The more correct but less frequently used name of chrysanthemum is chrysanthemum. Due to the huge popularity in the fall season, they are one of the most popularflowers blooming in autumn
Chrysanthemums are plants with versatile use. They arevery good autumn bedding flowers , but also do well on balconies and terraces. In the fall season, they are a flagship example of beautifully flowering plants. When deciding to grow chrysanthemums in garden beds, however, pay attention to choose frost-resistant varieties that will be able to overwinter in our garden and survive for many years.
Colorful chrysanthemums on a garden bed
Species of chrysanthemums recommended for gardens:
Garden chrysanthemum(Chrysantemum indicum hybr.) - has a huge range of varieties. It blooms from August to November, height 40-100 cm. We plant it into the ground in spring and water it regularly. These autumn flowers come in almost the entire color palette.
Late pyrethrum(Chrysanthemum serotinum) - blooms in September-October, height 130-160 cm. Fertilize regularly, after flowering, trim and water in dry weather.
Heathers are frost-resistant shrubs thatdelight with their flowers every autumnOnly one species belongs to the type of heather - common heather, fortunately available in many interesting varieties. Heathers bloom most often red, pink, purple or white. Some of them also have colorful leaves. They require sunny and acidic soils. In flowerbeds, heather goes well with miniature conifers and other heather plants.It is worth combining them with heathers that bloom in the spring, thanks to which the heather bed will never be sad. Among the heather varieties, special attention is drawn to the bud heather, whose flowers dry up in the buds and thus remain in the winter.
My favorite autumn flowers are heathers
Ornamental grasses are a perfect background for flowers in autumn. Smaller species fit well with the heathers just mentioned. These plants, while often lacking stunning inflorescences, are perfect fillings for blooming autumn beds, and are sometimes even the star's stars. Dry inflorescences of ornamental grasses should be left as a decoration in the winter. We don't cut them until spring to make room for new leaves to grow. The grasses are best planted in the spring so that they can spread well. After planting, trim them to a height of 15-20 cm above the ground.
Heathers, frosts and colorful ornamental grasses
When choosing ornamental grasses, it is worth noting thatornaments can be not only their inflorescences but also colorful leavesExamples of such grasses are e.g. Penisetum purpureum 'Vertigo' and imperata cylindrica (Imperata cylindrica) 'Red Baron' with red leaves, Sand Blast (Leymus arenarius) and Gray Fescue (Festuca glauca) with blue leaves, or the Szim sedge (Carex oshimensis) 'Red Baron' with two-color golden-yellow leaves .
Colorful autumn flowers - asters, chrysanthemums and low ornamental grasses
Our next autumn proposition is decorative cabbage. Although not very popular so far, it is becoming more and more recognizable decoration of autumn.In the fall, ornamental cabbage in pots is sold in flower shops and garden stores along with heathers, asters and chrysanthemums. In combination with these autumn flowers, ornamental cabbages look very attractive, and they withstand frosts well, so we will enjoy their beauty for a long time.
Decorative cabbage next to chrysanthemums
In the case of cabbage,its decoration is not flowers, but leaves , which can be attractively crimped or wavy, and in various, sometimes intense and bright colors. Decorative cabbage leaves can be white, yellow, purple, pink or red, as well as multi-colored.
Decorative cabbage can also be successfully planted in pots and boxes on balconies and terracesWe must however, remember that this plant is not frost resistant and can only be grown as an annual plant in the garden or on the balcony.Although the cabbage withstands light frosts, the first major frost will mean the end of life for this autumn garden decoration.
Asters, heather and ornamental cabbage
The Silver Old Man (Senecio cineraria, syn. S. maritima) is a small bush native to the Mediterranean Sea. In our climate, the silver man is grown as an annual plant, although in very mild winter he can survive in the garden until the next year.
Gray old man accompanied by ornamental cabbage
The main ornament of the silvery old men, often referred to as frosts, are their oval, deeply cut leaves covered with a silver-gray cutter. It is this color of the leaves and the cutter that make the plant look slightly frosted.Therefore,frosts are perfect for autumn compositions , combined with heathers, low asters and ornamental cabbages. They are also very good plants for borders around flowerbeds, as well as for compositions in pots.
Zimowit and autumn crocus
Take a close look at the photo above.The red-tinged virginia creeper undoubtedly heralds autumn. How then can you see blue crocuses, which should bloom in spring? Well, these blue flowers are most likely a crocus very similar to an autumn wintertime crocus or one of the … autumn crocus species!
Fall crocuses, also known as saffrons, are much less popular than traditional spring crocuses.These flowers, blooming in September and October, are a very attractive decoration in an autumn garden , which may surprise many an observer.Among autumn crocuses, it is worth mentioning such species as saffron (Crocus speciosus), cultivated saffron (Crocus sativus), pale yellow crocus (Crocus ochroleucus) and medium saffron (Crocus medius).
Autumn winter - Colchicum autumnale