Conceptual design for the development of a home garden area

Table of contents

Concept garden designpresents the general design concept, shows the distribution, shape and mutual position of the most important elements. Properly madehome garden designmust meet the aesthetic expectations of the property owners, as well as take into account the specificity of the plot and its vicinity. See how to make ahome garden concept- fromland development design , through the division of the plot into zones, to the design of garden details.

Conceptual design of the home garden

Landscaping design around the house

The need for a house project is obvious for the vast majority of investors. It is impossible to avoid this issue, if only because of the applicable law. The situation is slightly different withhome garden designHere, the construction law also imposes certain requirements - primarily as to the location of the building on the plot, but also access to the building, access or garbage dump, the location of which is must be specified in the so-calledlandscaping projectHowever, a backyard garden made according to this design would be, firstly, deadly boring, and secondly - would have virtually no function. Third and finally - the study included in the construction design includes the location of individual elements - but not their form.

So let's think about thehome garden designissue a bit longer, so as not to leave it to chance.You can hire a specialized designer, that is, a landscape architect. It is worth doing it especially when we have a "difficult" plot (eg very small or with a large slope), but also when the plot is particularly attractive and highly exposed. You can also try to do it yourself. In any case, it is good to stick to a certain order.

Home garden development project, in accordance with the legally required
land development design from the construction project 1. Plot boundary, 2. Current building line, 3. Building location, 4. Entrance to the plot, 5. Main entrance to the building, 6. Dumpster location, 7. Entrance to the plot, 8. Garage entrance, 9. Terrace location, 10 Basic dimensions, distances from plot boundaries
Fig. Bush

Division of the backyard garden into zones


The first step in creating ahome garden designshould be zoning. Most likely, each garden will have a technical area with an external parking space, a driveway to the garage and a garbage can, as well as an entrance and rest area. Perhaps we will want to find a place for a fragment of the vegetable garden. It is also possible that we will see the need to protect ourselves from the wind or to ensure greater intimacy by using a tall hedge or a row of trees. A playground for the youngest members of the household and their guests may also be useful."
"All zones inof the landscaping project of the backyard gardenshould be logically arranged and connected both with each other and with the building elements. For example, the space for children should be clearly visible from the terrace where their guardians will be staying. In turn, the technical space should be somewhat hidden, and the entrance area should make it easier to hit the door."

Home garden development project - division of the plot into zones
1. Cover green, 2. Playground, 3. Recreation area,
4. Vegetable garden, 5. Entrance zone, 6. Technical zone
Fig. Bush

The first decision here will be to determine from where, to and what paths should lead. The second - what they should look like and what they should be covered with. This is the next stage of designing the area of ​​the backyard garden, i.e. solving details.

Design of the surface in the backyard garden

When designing the area of ​​the backyard gardenspecial attention should be paid to the surfaces. Not only because of the aesthetics, but also their functional qualities.
A perfect example is an external parking space and access to the garage. These are spaces large enough that covering them with a full block may require additional rainwater drainage.Therefore, it is worth considering whether or not it is better to use openwork cubes or slabs that let water through, and at the same time will not give the impression of a huge paved desert. On the other hand, it is rather not advisable to use boards which, due to their large size, are more prone to mechanical damage.
Completely different requirements must be met by the main access to the building, mandatory inland development plan . In this case, the surface must be a solid plane. However, it is a quite specific place, characterized by definitely the highest intensity of pedestrian traffic. So one should consider whether prams or wheelchairs will not be used on it? Or maybe the housewife likes high-heeled shoes? If so - paving stones with broken surface or irregular edges creating very wide joints will definitely be a bad idea. However, it is worth considering the use of terrace tiles instead of paving stones, larger and smoother than paved surfaces.

Home garden development project in accordance with the division into zones
Fig. Bush

A separate issue in thehome garden designis the terrace, which is, in a way, a porch for the garden for a person leaving the house. Here, the range of possible solutions is huge and depends almost exclusively on the imagination and we alth of the investor's portfolio. However, also here, in addition to aesthetic reasons, it is good to take into account the intended use, for example, whether we use garden furniture, and if so - what.


The last elementof the home garden designworth mentioning are the other paths in the garden, or more precisely their hierarchy. As a rule, they are not all equally important. It is worth noting this by their width and material. For example, the path connecting the playground with the terrace will probably be much more important than the one leading to the vegetable garden - maybe it is worth emphasizing it with a wider width, a slightly more interesting form or a more attractive material? On the other hand, the connection between the vegetable garden and the composter, or from the main entrance towards the garbage can, will have by far the lowest priority.Probably, instead of a continuous surface, single terrace tiles, spaced at equal intervals adjusted to the length of a human step, will be enough.
It is worth remembering that in a garden once arranged, it will be difficult to introduce more serious changes. The more you need to have a well thought outhome garden development planbefore starting any work in the garden. "

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