Brown rot of stone trees - combating, protection measures

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Brown rot of stone treesis a dangerous disease that causes fruit to rot on the tree. As a result of infection, the fruit becomes covered with putrefying brown spots and gray warts.Brown rot of stone treesaffects cherries and plums, as well as peaches and apricots. See how to protect fruit trees from this disease. Here are some effective ways tofighting stone rot against stone rot , recommended conservation measures and spraying dates.

Brown rot of stone trees - infected cherry fruits
Fig. Agronomist, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Brown rot of stone trees - symptoms

Brown rot of stone treesis a disease caused by drupes (Monilinia laxa) and fruit strep (Monilinia fructigena), which infect cherry and cherry trees, plum trees, and less often peaches and apricots . The second of these pathogens can also be found in apple and pear trees, causingbrown rot of pome treesThe Latin names of these pathogens also give rise to another, less frequently used name for this disease - moniliosis.

Cherries become infected the first time , which may become infected with the disease at the very beginning of flowering. During this periodbrown rot of stone treescauses drying and browning of flowers, followed by shoots and leaves.
In other speciesof trees attacked by brown rot, the symptoms most often appear only on the fruit. These are putrefying brown spots that become covered with grayish warts over time. Infected fruits deform and dry into dark brown mummiesMany of them do not fall off and remain mummified on trees until the next season. Fruit infection occurs most often as a result of damage to the skin caused by rain or insects.

First symptoms of moniliosis on cherry leaves and flowers
Fig. Jerzy Opioła, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Brown rot of stone trees - combating

Fighting brown rot of stone treesconsists mainly in removing infected plant organs, i.e. drying and browning flowers, leaves and whole shoots, and later fruit with symptoms of disease. It is very important not to allow mummified fruit to remain on the trees until the next year. All such mummies must be removed. However, it is best to check the plants on a regular basis, and remove the infected fruits during their ripening, immediately after noticing rotting, spots and warts.
If in recent yearsbrown rot of stone treesoccurred with high intensity, preventive spring spraying of fruit trees is very important. It is necessary to carry out preventive spraying in the initial phase of flowering (the so-called white bud phase) and in full flowering. Additionally, plum trees should be sprayed a third time about 4 weeks before harvesting the fruit, especially if there have been heavy rains.

Brown rot on plum fruits

Brown rot of stone stones - ecological spraying

Before you buy plant protection products against brown rot, it is worth trying organic preparations prepared by yourself. Here we can use horsetail decoction (used in dilution with water in a ratio of 1: 4), yarrow extract (dilute 1:10) and horseradish decoction or infusion (used without dilution).All these preparations are sprayed on trees during the period of white flower buds and flowering. If applied at a later date, they will no longer be effective.

Brown rot of stone trees - protection measures

Recommendedprotection measures against brown rot of stone treesare mainly Miedzian 50 WP, Miedzian Extra 350 SC, Topsin M 500 SC, Score 250 EC, Signum 33 WG and Switch 62.5 WG.
For the first spraying of cherries at the beginning of flowering and during its duration, you can use Miedzian 50 WP at a dose of 4-6 g per liter of water or Miedzian Extra 350 SC at a dose of 4-6 ml per liter of water . I recommend Miedzian because it is relatively harmless to the environment and approved for organic farming. If its effectiveness proves to be insufficient, Score 250 EC or Signum 33 WG can be used on cherries. In the case of the latter preparation, the first spraying is done at the beginning of flowering (during the opening of the first buds) and the second spraying during the full flowering phase.
In the protection of plums, peaches and apricots, Topsin M 500 SC is more effective, dosed in the amount of 2-3 ml per liter of water. Topsin works well if low temperatures are expected, below 12 ° C, in which, for example, the effectiveness of Score 250 EC significantly decreases.
The best solution, however, will be Switch 62.5 WG, which can be used as many as 3 sprayings during one season. It can be used during the flowering period of trees, but also later, after noticing the first symptoms of the disease.
The above-mentionedpreparations for the treatment of brown rotcan be ordered in the shop of our guide. To see the offer, press the button below: -)

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