Sedum(Sedum) is a genus of plants from the coarse family. Sedum plants are mostly low, carpeted perennials, although some can reach heights of up to 80 cm. There are also semi-shrubs and annual plants among them. Their undoubted advantage is durability and decorative foliage almost all year round. They withstand drought, barren soils and in most cases also temperature drops. They are perfect plants for rock gardens and green roofs.
Caucasian sedum 'Superbum'- Sedum spurium' Superbum '
Sedum plants(Sedum) are drought tolerant plants that can bring a variety of shapes and colors to parts of the garden where the soil is quite poor and the position is very sunny. Their leaves can be gray-green to dark purple, and the flowers are star-shaped, usually five-lobed, white, yellow, pink or purple in color. Some species of sedum bloom in the fall.
The use of sedum plants in the garden can be quite wide - low species are perfect for rockeries and lowered and raised beds, for planting between stones and stone slabs. They also do great in pots and containers. Higher sedum species are often selected for mixed fringes. Also more and more popular aresedum plants for green roofsRemember, however, that we can only grow sedum plants in our gardens. Certain species of sedum, such as the Sedum Morgana, can only be grown as indoor houseplants.
Cultivation of sedumdoes not cause many problems. They require well-sunny locations, where they obtain the best color and bloom most profusely. We can also find those that will do well in partial shade (including Sedum spurium and Sedum sexangulare). Plants will best grow in fresh, light, permeable soil, with a pH close to neutral.
Sedum plants are plantedon rockeries in small clumps, so that the plants can freely move around adjust to stones and uneven terrain. Although they have low soil requirements, they will grow more abundantly if in spring they are lightly fed with a slow-acting compound fertilizer (e.g. Osmocote).
Acute Sedum - Sedum acre
For mostsedum varieties , despite tolerance to low temperatures, it is advisable to protect it for the winter period, however, do not rush this treatment (wait until the temperature drops below zero for a few days, at the end of November or even as late as December).We can cover straw, leaves or agrotextile.
In spring, however, cut damaged or frozen shoots from the carp.Sedum trimmingis advisable and promotes better turf cover.
Sedum reproductionis not a difficult procedure and we can easily deal with it in amateur cultivation. Throughout the spring and summer, you can cut the shoots -sedum cuttingsput them in boxes under covers (foil or glass) where they should take root within two weeks.
Another way tosedum reproductionis a division of carp that can be performed from April to May or from August to September. Dividing carp is also recommended because of its beneficial effect on the condition of plants - smaller carp develop prettier and he althier specimens.
It is also possible to propagate from seeds.Sedum seedsare sown in spring, they germinate quickly and after about a month from the seedbed we can transfer the seedlings to the ground, where we place them at a distance of 10 x 30 cm.
Stonecrop - Sedum acre
The mostfrost-resistant sedumthat can be grown all over Poland is the acute sedum (Sedum acre) 'Aureum', the rock sedum (S. cauticolum) 'Lidakense', sedum Ewersa (S. ewersii), sedum sedum 'Herbstfreunde', sedum sedum 'Matrona', sedum (S. spectabile).
Some sedum plants, such as the sedum (S. album) 'Murals', the lovage sedum (S. anacampseros) or the Oregon sedum (S. oreganum), may freeze in the coldest regions of Poland (frost resistance zone 6).
For cultivation only in the warmest regions of Poland (zone 7), such sedum plants as Kamchatka Sedum (S. kamtschaticum), Stonecrop (S. reflexum), Spotted Sedum (S. spathulifolium), Caucasian Sedum (S.spurium) var. 'Fuldaglut' and 'Variegatum'.