Horseradishis a well-known spice for many dishes, especially meats. You can eat the grated horseradish root and its leaves.Properties of horseradishare also used in medicine and cosmetology. It is worth getting interested in this vegetable, becausegrowing horseradish on the plotis quite easy, andplanting horseradishis carried out in the spring - at the usual time of starting work in the garden. See how to get tasty and he althy horseradish roots and leaves from your own heat!
Horseradish has a valuable taste and healing properties
Horseradishbelongs to the cabbage family. It is a plant found throughout Poland. However, it is mostly considered a weed. Naturally, we can meet him in wastelands and meadows, recognizing him by his long, green leaves. The flowers are white, gathered in clusters. It blooms from July. Horseradish roots are used as a spice and are used in many countries around the world. Why are they so popular?
Horseradish hasbactericidal and fungicidal properties. Increases the body's resistance. In addition, it has a lot of vitamin C and contains vitamins B1, B2, B6. It also contains folic acid, a lot of iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Appropriatelyused horseradish rootmay help with urinary tract diseases, rheumatism, flu and colds. It has also been found to have a positive effect on the he alth of people suffering from diabetes and scurvy. It helps to fight headache, swelling and rhinitis. It increases the appetite and the work of the gallbladder.
Horseradishhas a spicy flavor. In the kitchen, we can add horseradish to salads, roasts or sauces.
Properties of horseradishare also used in cosmetics to remove skin discoloration.
Where to plant horseradish?
Horseradishis a perennial plant, therefore the place must be properly selected. Select a semi-shaded position for the plant. In the scorching sun, the roots get yellow spots. The soil should be fertile, deeply cultivated, rich in humus and moist. Soil pH from 5.5-6.5. Horseradish is sensitive to the strongly acidic reaction of the soil.
Horseradish - planting date
The horseradish root must be planted immediately after purchase. Alternatively, it can be stored in a cold room or refrigerator for up to 2 days. A suitable term forhorseradish plantingis spring just after the soil thaws. It can also be planted in the fall, just like onions or garlic.
How to plant horseradish?
After digging the hole and filling it with fertile compost, place the horseradish root in it. Before planting, rub the buds and fine roots with a cloth so that the plant does not release unnecessary shoots and roots. Thanks to this procedure, strong main roots will grow. The root is planted diagonally so that the upper part of the root is about 3 cm below the ground. After planting, water the areaof horseradish plantingWhen the first young leaves start to appear, lightly shade the plant on sunny days so that it gets used to the new position.
Horseradish is a perennial plant and requires care from time to time. It is a fast growing and frost resistant plant. It does not require casing. It takes root deeply. We can have good leaves in the second year after planting. In order for them to be lush green plants must be fertilized. During the period of growth of horseradish, you need to feed it once or twice with nitrogen fertilizer.It can be, for example, ammonium nitrate. In times of drought, watering and weeding is essential. When horseradish has a constantly moist soil, its roots and leaves are larger and tastier.
Horseradish leaves should be washed in lukewarm water before consumption to get rid of possible bacteria and dirt. If we focus on consuming horseradish roots, remember to collect the roots from young plants. The roots of old plants are often hard and stringy.
Harvest the horseradish roots in the fall, when the leaves start to turn yellow. When carrying outhorseradish harvesting , let's try to dig up all the roots. Horseradish grows back even from the smallest parts of the roots. Roots can become a nuisance in the field. But it is also an opportunity to increase your horseradish cultivation. Many cuttings can be made from the remaining root fragments.
Note - all horseradish roots should be dug out very carefully, because even from their remains the plant reproduces very easily, often becoming a nuisance on the plot.
Horseradish propagationis very easy. When harvesting horseradish roots in the fall, separate the side roots from the main root about 1 cm thick and trim them to a length of 30 cm. From the roots trimmed in this way, we can obtain up to 3 new seedlings. In order not to confuse the top and bottom of the seedling, it is worth cutting the upper part evenly and the lower part diagonally.The cuttings prepared in this way should be sunk in damp sand in the cellar during the winter and stored until mid-March, when it will be possible to plant them in the bed.
Eng. landscape architect Piotr Moliński