description:It belongs to the picture family, leaves lush, shiny, wide, heart-shaped on long petioles, flowers in green and white flasks embedded in white sheaths. It grows intensively. Conical fruits, bright red,
requirements:Sunny or slightly shaded position, depth 5-25 cm, completely resistant,
description:Long, green leaves similar to iris leaves, flowers grouped into spherical inflorescences, transforming into spiky fruit, grows up to 1.20 m
requirements:The position is slightly shaded, acidic soil, the plant is completely resistant to pests and freezing, recommended for root and soil filters,
description:Height up to 2 m, leaves slightly twisted in a spiral, gray-green with white stripes, inflorescences in the shape of long brown sticks are an additional decoration. Fast growing, expansive,
requirements:sunny position, slightly shaded, completely resistant,
Note: for smaller water reservoirs, a much finer type of minima is recommended,
description:The shape resembles a Christmas tree, elongated oval leaves, white flowers, small, inconspicuous, size depends on the water depth,
requirements:Completely sunny position, it is a plant tolerant to living conditions,fully resistant to frost, it can be used as a plant that cleans water reservoirs,
See also: water plants of the swamp zone and water plants of the deep zone
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