Titonia round-leaved Tithonia rotundifolia
description:a plant from Mexico with lush growth, stiff stems and bright orange flowers with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm, placed on long stalks, reaches a height of over 100 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers,
sowing seeds:March, April to the inspection (at home - to containers placed on a bright window sill), to obtain a well-rooted seedling, the seedlings should be pierced into individual containers with a peat substrate, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:July to October
Tujałka variable Salpiglosis sinuata
description:plant from South America, flowers veined, multicolored (pink, purple, red, blue, lilac), reaches a height of about 80 cm,
application:high discounts and cut flower,
sowing seeds:March, April to inspect or May to the ground, plants grown from seeds sown directly into the ground need to be interrupted so that the spacing is 20 to 25 cm,
flowering period:July to September,
position:sunny and sheltered from the wind, fertile, humus, alkaline soil,
Narcissus tobacco Nicotiana alata
description:comes from Brazil, where it is a perennial, flowers strongly fragrant, in a wide range of colors, stems strongly branched, strongly leafed in the lower part, 40 to 90 cm high
application:discounts and cut flower
sowing seeds:March, April for a warm inspection, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:July to October
position:sunny or partial shade
Ubiorek Iberis
description:numerous, small flowers, most often white in color, gathered in corymbose, 25 to 30 cm high, in gardens we can find a bitter garment (Iberis amara) and a whorl garment (Iberis umbellata) with flowers white, pink or purple,
application:for discounts, recommended for borders
sowing seeds:April and May into the ground
flowering period:June to October
position:sunny, grows on almost any soil, but preferably on fertile soils,
More: Evergreen garment - varieties, cultivation, pruning, reproduction
Wenidium Venidium fastuosum
description:annual plant with an upright habit and deeply flap-shaped, silvery leaves, magnificent flowers, 10 cm in diameter, resembling sunflowers, set on long stalks,
application:for rebates, for containers, and for cut flowers,
sowing seeds:from March to April to the inspection, be in May directly to the ground, planting permanently in May
flowering period:July to October
position:sunny, light soil, well-drained,
Verbena Verbena rigida
description:strongly branched, small purple flowers, up to 30 cm high,
application:for flower beds, balconies, lawns and flower baskets,
sowing seeds:in March for a warm inspection, planting into the ground in May,
flowering period:June to October,
position:sunny or partial shade,
See: bigger photo
More: verbena - cultivation and care
Dangle Verbena Verbena hybrida
description:creeping shoots, strongly branched, blooms profusely, flowers in a wide range of colors, height: 20 to 40 cm,
application:discounts, excellent for perimeters, flower beds and balconies,
sowing seeds:February for inspection, planting in May,
flowering period:June to October,
position:sunny or partial shade,
See: bigger photo
Wilczomlecz białobrzegi Euphorbia marginata
description:annual plant with decorative leaves with white edges, flowers surrounded by wide, white stipules, 40 to 60 cm high,
application:for discounts, it can be planted in groups or individually, also in rows,
sowing seeds:March, April into the ground,
flowering period:July to autumn,
position:sunny or semi-shaded,
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