Annual flowers B - C

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Ever-flowering Begonia Begonia semperflorens

description:plant from Brazil, where it is a perennial, in our climatic conditions it can only be grown as an annual plant, it has numerous, small flowers, white, pink and red in various shades depending on variety, there are also two-color varieties (e.g. Olympic Starlet - white flowers with a red border, Cocktail Rum - white flowers with a pink border), can reach up to 50 cm in height, however, the most common are short varieties, reaching 15 to 35 cm,
application:for balconies and potting,
sowing seeds:January, February in a greenhouse, planting into the ground in the second half of May,
flowering period:June to October,
position:sunny, possibly semi-shaded,
More: growing constantly flowering begonias …

Bidens, Bidens aurea
description:produces lots of dangling yellow-gold flowers, up to 80 cm high
application:greenhouse-bedding, recommended for hanging pots
sowing seeds:February, March in a greenhouse, permanent planting in May
flowering period:June to October

Crested celosia Celosia argentea cristata
description:colorful inflorescences in the shape of a rooster's comb, fancifully bent, height 20 to 30 cm
application:for rebates, can be grown as a potted plant
sowing seeds:April for a warm inspection, at the turn of May and June, plant them into the ground
flowering period:July to October

Pinnate Celosia argentea plumosa
description:annual plant with plume-shaped inflorescences, height 20 to 35 cm,
application:for low discounts,
sowing seeds:April for a warm inspection, planting into the ground at the turn of May and June,
flowering period:July to October,
More: Celosia - varieties, cultivation, reproduction

Imperial cornflower Centaurea moschata imp.
description:fragrant plant, flowers white, pink, lilac, or purple, height 60 to 80 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers
sowing seeds:March and April into the ground
flowering period:July, August

Zinnia daliowa Zinnia elegans
description:multicolored flowers, height up to 80 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers
sowing seeds:March and April to the inspection, planting into the ground at the end of May
flowering period:June to October

Zinnia Kobold Zinnia elegans
description:profusely blooming, multicolored flowers, full dahlia inflorescences, height 40 to 60 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers
sowing seeds:March, April to the inspection, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:June to October
More: Zinnia - varieties and cultivation in the garden

Black Damascus Nigella Damascena- 50 cm,
application:rebates, dried fruit shoots to create bouquets,
sowing seeds:March, April into the ground,
flowering period:June to August,
position:sunny, moderately moist soil,
More: Damascus black seed - application and cultivation

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