Wawrzynek wilczełyko Daphne mezereum
description:shrub up to 1.5 m tall, pink, fragrant flowers densely planted on the shoots, 1 to 2 cm in diameter, gathered in bunches of three, red, poisonous appear after flowering fruit,
flowering period:March to April, flowering precedes leaf development,
requirements:position bright (but not strongly sunlit) or semi-shaded, wet, alkaline soils, this shrub does not like pruning, it does not grow back and compacts poorly, so it is trimmed only if necessary, shortening it twigs faded by half,
frost resistance:high, zone 4,
reproduction:from seeds, which should be stratified immediately after harvest, the bush also often spreads itself, you can also propagate from semi-woody cuttings collected in the summer,
More: Wilczełyko laurel - varieties, cultivation, reproduction
Weeping willow Iwa Salix carpea pendula
description:decorative tree with long, hanging branches, sprinkled with silver cats in spring, Pendula is a female variety and is often confused with the male Kilmarnock variety, whose additional ornaments are quite large (up to 6 cm) male inflorescences,
flowering period:March, April,
requirements:sunny position, moist soils,
frost resistance:high, zone 4,
reproduction:amateur, you can use semi-woody cuttings and woody cuttings, but in order to maintain the special features of garden varieties, grafting is necessary,
Japanese tricolor willow Salix integra Hakuro-nishiki
description:very decorative form of miniature spherical willow with a spherical crown, white-pink-green leaves, the most impressive in young growths, small bases appear just before the leaves develop, strongly cut, retains a dense crown and intense color, looks attractive when planted against a background of plants with a calm color,
flowering period:March to April,
requirements:sunny and humid position,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:amateur, you can use semi-woody cuttings and woody cuttings, but in order to maintain the special features of garden varieties, grafting is necessary,
See more: Japanese willow Hakuro Nishiki
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Willow lanata Salix lanata
description:slow-growing shrub with raised shoots and a spherical shape, elliptical leaves, covered with a white cutter, large, yellowish-green, hairy cats develop in May,
flowering period:March to April,
requirements:sunny and humid position,
frost resistance:very high, zone 3,
reproduction:amateur, you can use semi-woody cuttings and woody cuttings, but in order to maintain the special features of garden varieties, grafting is necessary,
Manchurian willow Salix matsudana
description:a fairly fast growing, short tree with a slender shape and unusual spiral twisted shoots, shoots yellowish or olive green, red on the sunny side, long, twisted, very ornamental leaves, in spring with leaves show flowers - yellow-green cats, the plant is perfect for single plantings, e.g.on the shore of a garden pond, recently very popular as an addition to bouquets,
flowering period:end of April, May,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, permeable, humus, neutral or slightly calcareous soil, likes moist but not wet soils,
frost resistance:sufficient,
reproduction:by semi-woody cuttings, it is very easy to rooting, it sometimes happens that cut branches bought for a vase root in water,
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Quilted cherry variety Kanzan Prunus serrulara Kanzan
description:short tree up to 3 m tall with stiff, widely spread branches, large and full pink flowers, very decorative,
flowering period:April and May
requirements:sunny position,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:by vaccination,
Złotlin Japanese full-flowered Kerria japonica pleniflora
description:profusely flowering shrub, up to 2 m tall, with light green shoots and single leaves, flowers full of yellow,
flowering period:May and June
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, gold cutting involves cutting the oldest dried-up shoots close to the ground,
frost resistance:sufficient, zone 5A,
reproduction:by semi-woody cuttings collected from the beginning to mid-summer, in autumn you can lay-up, strongly overgrown shrubs can also be divided and planted in autumn or spring,
More: Japanese goldfish - cultivation, pruning, reproduction
Broom Żarnowiec Cytisus scoparius
description:straight up shrub with dark green, rod-shaped stems and ornamental, long-blooming yellow flowers, reaching a height of 1.5 m.
flowering period:May, June,
requirements:sunny position, acidic, dry, poor soils, practically no pruning required, only shaping pruning can be made to shape the habit,
reproduction:species by sowing seeds in autumn, while garden hybrids through semi-woody cuttings with a heel, which are harvested at the end of summer,
More: Broom broom - cultivation, cutting, reproduction
Zylistek pink Deutzia rosea
description:short (about 80 cm tall), dense shrub with decorative, broad-bellied flowers white inside and pink outside,
flowering period:June,
requirements:sunny position, care pruning after flowering, trimming blown branches,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:from semi-woody cuttings taken at the end of summer or from woody cuttings taken during the fall,
More: Varicose veins - varieties, cultivation, cutting, reproduction
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