Kalikarpa (Beauty) Bodinera Callicarpa bodinieri
description:shrub from China, small, lilac flowers, from September they are replaced by shiny purple berries, the fruits stay on the branches for several weeks,
flowering period:July, August,
requirements:sunny position, as Kalikarpa is a dioecious plant, to ensure abundant fruiting, it is worth placing at least two bushes of the opposite sex in the garden,
frost resistance:sufficient, zone 6B,
reproduction:from semi-woody cuttings harvested in summer,
More: Beauty, kalicarp - cultivation in the garden and recommended varieties
" Japanese viburnum St. Keverne Viburnum plicatum "
description:branchy shrub with horizontally arranged shoots, up to 2 m high and 3 m wide, flat inflorescences, white in color, deeply veined leaves, dark green, turning purple in autumn,
flowering period:May and June,
requirements:sunny position, fertile and moist soil,
frost resistance:zone 5B, young plants should be covered with straw or nonwoven agrotextile for the winter,
reproduction:from non-woody cuttings harvested in the first half of summer, you can also sow seeds in autumn or spring, but the obtained seedlings will have variable features, note - seeds sown in spring require stratification,
Viburnum Coral Buldene Viburnum opulus Roseum
description:shrub with decorative, spherical snow-white inflorescences, which turn pink as they fade, dark green leaves, turn dark red in autumn, up to 4 m high,
flowering period:May, June,
requirements:sunny to semi-shaded position (in less sunny places it blooms less), moist and fertile soils, tolerates urban conditions and air pollution well, shaping of young shrubs is carried out after flowering, shortening shoots by 2/3 of the length, in subsequent years, the care consists in trimming faded shoots,
frost resistance:high, zone 4,
requirements:sunny position, fertile and moist soil, young plants should be covered with straw or nonwoven agrotextile for the winter,
reproduction:from non-woody cuttings harvested in the first half of summer, you can also sow seeds in autumn or spring, but the obtained seedlings will have variable features, note - seeds sown in spring require stratification,
See photo: plant habit
More: Coral viburnum - cultivation, varieties, diseases
Kalina fragrant Viburnum fragrans
description:shrub from China, growing straight, young shoots, red petioles and flower stalks, pink flower buds, after unfolding they become white, fragrant, up to 3 m high ,
flowering period:end of February to April,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, moist, fertile soil,
frost resistance:resistant to frost, but with heavy frosts flower buds may freeze,
requirements:sunny position, fertile and moist soil, young plants should be covered with straw or nonwoven agrotextile for the winter,
reproduction:from non-woody cuttings harvested in the first half of summer, you can also sow seeds in autumn or spring, but the obtained seedlings will have variable features, note - seeds sown in spring require stratification,
More: Kalina fragrant - varieties, cultivation, pruning, reproduction
Chestnut Castanea sativa
description:large tree with a spherical crown and dark green lanceolate leaves, yellow flowers in long ears, fruit (nuts) flattened, covered with green, thorny cover ripen in autumn, are edible, a plant perfect for single plantings ,
flowering period:June to July,
requirements:warm and sunny positions, sheltered from the wind, light permeable soil, acidic,
frost resistance:young plants require protection against frost,
reproduction:sow seeds in spring or pick woody cuttings in autumn,
More: Chestnut - properties, cultivation, recipes
Weigela bush
description:in garden cultivation you can meet over 170 breeding varieties of shrubs, differing in flowering time, flower color and habit, the Bristol Ruby variety is worth recommending - blooming profusely, large, tubular, pink-red flowers, 2 m high, and cultivated in Germany Weigela florida, characterized by high frost resistance (visible in the photo),
flowering period:May to August,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, wet, alkaline or neutral soils,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:both from non-woody cuttings collected in early summer, semi-woody cuttings collected in the mid-summer, and woody cuttings collected in late autumn,
Bush bush 'Variegata' Weigela florida 'Variegata'
description:shrub extremely attractive thanks to yellow-white leaf edges and light pink flowers, grows up to 2 m in height, looks good both individually and in combination with other plants,
flowering period:May to June,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, wet soils,
frost resistance:zone 6A,
reproduction:both from non-woody cuttings collected in early summer, semi-woody cuttings collected in the mid-summer, and woody cuttings collected in late autumn,
More: Miracle shrub - varieties, cultivation, pruning, reproduction
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