Deciduous trees and shrubs D - F

Table of contents
description:tree with a wide crown, reaching more than 20 m in height, with red leaves discoloring it, suitable for afforestation of open spaces,
requirements:position well sunlit, does not have high soil requirements, it also feels good on dry soils and growing conditions in the city,
frost resistance:zone 5A,
reproduction:to maintain the characteristics of the varieties - by grafting (at the end of winter or early spring on pedunculate oak stocks) or through woody cuttings, the species can also be propagated from seeds by planting mature acorns under glass in autumn or to the ground,

description:tree with a narrow, conical shape and slow growth, which can, however, reach over 40 m in height, green leathery leaves, fruit - acorns,
requirements:sunny position, fertile and moist soil, it should not grow in the open,
frost resistance:zone 5A,
reproduction:by grafting (at the end of winter or early spring on pedunculate oak stocks) or by woody cuttings

White Dogwood Cornus alba
description:shrub with small white flowers, wide, dark green leaves with a white edge, turning carmine in autumn, reddish shoots in the leafless period, up to 2 m high, can be planted in groups or individually
flowering period:May, June
requirements:sunny position or partial shade, wet, alkaline and neutral soils, by annual strong and low cutting, more shoots can be obtained, making the shrub more decorative,
frost resistance:very high, zone 3,
reproduction:by woody cuttings collected in autumn and from root suckers,
More: White dogwood - cultivation, cutting, reproduction, varieties

Siberian white dogwood Cornus alba sibirica
description:decorative shrub with characteristic coral red shoots and leaves that turn red in autumn, reaches a height of 2 m, quite easy to grow,
flowering period:May, June
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position, wet, alkaline or neutral soils,
frost resistance:very high, zone 3,
reproduction:by woody cuttings collected in autumn and from root suckers,

Dogwood Cornus controwersa
" description:comes from the Far East countries, in nature it occurs as a large tree (up to 20 m tall) with branches arranged in tiers, in horticulture it is grown as an ornamental shrub with a decorative habit and discoloring leaves red in autumn, white flowers gathered in flattened corymbos, up to 18 cm wide, produce blue-black fruit with a spherical shape, the photo shows Variegata variety with decorative leaves with wide, creamy-white edges, "
flowering period:June,
requirements:sunny position and sheltered from winds, humus soil, fertile, well-drained and slightly moist,
frost resistance:zone 5B, young specimens should be covered in winter,
reproduction:by semi-woody cuttings taken in late summer, by grafting and from seeds,

Flowery dogwood Cornus florida
description:very decorative species, especially in the flowering period, produces small, greenish flowers gathered in capitate inflorescences, surrounded by white buds, grown as a small tree or shrub (up to 3m tall), leaves in autumn change color to red and purple,
flowering period:May,
requirements:sunny position and sheltered from winds, humus soil, fertile, well-drained and slightly moist,
frost resistance:it is not very resistant to frost and is suitable for cultivation in places of Poland with a mild microclimate, for the winter we cover young bushes with agrotextile or toppings,
reproduction:by grafting and seed,
More: Flower dogwood - varieties, cultivation, cutting

Dogwood kousa Cornus kousa
description:in the garden it takes the form of a small tree or a tall shrub, it has beautiful flowers, gathered in capitate inflorescences surrounded by white buds, very decorative red spherical inflorescences appear in September, leaves also change color to red,
flowering period:June,
requirements:sunny position and sheltered from winds, humus soil, fertile, well-drained and slightly moist,
frost resistance:zone 6B,
reproduction:by grafting and seed,

Bell-leaved Enkianthus campanulatus
description:shrub with thin, upright shoots, in gardens, after 10 years of cultivation, reaches 1.2 m in height and 2.4 m in width, final height up to 5 m, leaves dropped before on the onset of winter, they are usually concentrated on the tops of the shoots, in autumn they turn beautifully yellow, orange-red and red, the flowers are small, about 1 cm long, bell-shaped, yellowish in red stripes, they hang on thin stalks, they are collected 5-15 in each corymbose, the fruit is a tiny 5-lobed bag.
flowering period:May to June,
requirements:sunny or semi-shaded position (in the shade it creates branchy forms), sheltered from the wind, acidic, peat soils, cutting is usually not necessary, older, highly bulky specimens can be cut in spring,
frost resistance:sufficient, the bell-leaved enkianthus is the most frost-resistant of all encycants, hence the most suitable for cultivation in our climate,
reproduction:sowing seeds under glass at the end of winter or early spring, semi-woody cuttings with a heel can be harvested in summer,

Intermediate forsythia Forsythia intermedia
description:shrub with tubular flowers, yellow in color, blooms in spring before the leaf development stage, height 2 to 3 m, very effective, versatile
flowering period:April, May
requirements:sunny position, wet, alkaline soil, prune after flowering, cutting 2/3 of the length of the blooming shoots, non-pruned forsythia blooms only at the tops of the shoots and stripped at the bottom,
frost resistance:zone 5B,
reproduction:by semi-woody cuttings collected in summer or by woody cuttings collected in autumn,
More: Intermediate forsythia - varieties, planting, cultivation


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