Thujas retain their color even in winter, thanks to which they can be a decorative element of the balcony all year round.Growing thuja in a pot on the balcony , however, requires a proper selection of the thuja variety so that in the future you will not have problems keeping it in such conditions. Therefore, it is worth finding out what to look for when choosing thuja for growing in a pot. Learn aboutvarieties of thuja recommended for balconies , seehow to cultivate thuja growing on a balconyand how to protect them from frost so that they survive the cold winters for many years!
Thuja in a pot on the balcony
The secrets of growing thuja in pots on the balconyis revealed to us by MSc. Agnieszka Lach, a graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. On a daily basis, she is professionally involved in the care and arrangement of plants. The author of many interesting tutorial articles on gardening and an expert on the gardening forum.
When deciding topurchase tui for a balcony container , we should take into account what sizes it will achieve in the future. For balcony plantings, tall garden thujas are definitely not suitable, such as the thuja 'Emerald' recommended for hedges, or the even faster-growing thuja 'Brabant'. For pots, we should choose rather small shrubs with slow growth.
Among the wide range ofbalcony varietieswe can find those that are characterized by a domed shape and slow growth.These include: thuja 'Danica', 'Golden Globe', 'Teddy', 'Tiny Tim', 'Amber Glow'. These are dwarf varieties that will not be a problem with their size in the coming years. Thujas grafted on a tall stem are also a good choice, e.g. 'Whipcord'.
Another important factorwhen choosing a thuja variety for pottingis its resistance to periodic, short-term droughts. Thujas require a moist substrate, and water shortages very quickly have a negative impact on their appearance. Therefore, if we know that we will not be able to regularly irrigate our thuja, we should choose a less demanding variety in this respect, e.g. Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana'.
Depending on the light conditions on our balcony, we must choose a thuja that will tolerate full sun or shade. Frost resistance is also very important. Althoughall potted thujas require protection for the winter , higher frost resistance will minimize possible damage to the root system or green parts of the plant. The selection of thuja varieties for cultivation on balconies is presented in the table.
Listvarieties of tui for potting on balconiesyou can download as a PDF for printing:
Before buying tui for the balcony , we should pay special attention to the root system. If there are discernible root damage, choose a different plant. Also, do not decide to buy if the twigs dry up or turn yellow. We should choose only perfectly he althy and colored specimens that are appropriate for a given variety.
After buying the plant and taking it home,let's set the thuja on the balcony for 2-3 days, in the place where it will eventually stand , so that it can get used to the new conditions. The day before planting, water the plant abundantly.Well-hydrated, she will survive the stress of overdoing it more easily.
How to buy a nice thuja in a pot for the balcony?
In the meantime, we prepare a container in which we will plant our thuja. It should be at least 50-60 cm high and 40 cm wide. There should be openings in the bottom, allowing excess water to drain from watering and precipitation.The boxes or pots in which the thujas will be grownmust be resistant to sunlight, rainfall and frost. It is best if they are made of light plastic, ceramics or wood.
The inside of the container can be lined with polystyrene, which will provide insulation during frosty days. At the bottom, a 5 cm thick drainage layer is made of thick gravel or expanded clay. Fill the prepared box or pot with the substrate, which should be composed according to the requirements of the thuja. Its pH must be slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5).
A special substrate for conifers is available in garden stores. We can also compose the mixture ourselves, mixing universal soil with acid peat (in a ratio of 2: 2). It is worth adding a hydrogel or TerraCottem to the substrate to prevent the substrate from drying out too quickly.
We can plant the thuja to the pot prepared in this way.Gently take the root ball out of the pot and, without crushing it, place it in the ground. Cover the root ball with a layer of substrate in advance and gently tap it.After planting, water the thuja abundantly , trying not to wet the shoots. Finally, we can put a layer of pine bark on top as mulch.
Pot-grown thujaswill have slightly different requirements than those grown in the garden. First of all, the water capacity of the substrate in the container is limited. Thuja requires a constantly moist substrate, so it is essential to irrigate it systematically.The thujas placed in a shady place are watered with decalcified water every other day. In contrast, thuja growing in full sun should be watered daily, especially in hot weather. This is best done early in the morning.
In the case of thuja grown in a potit is very important to water these plants in winter, during the days with temperatures above 0 ° C. Like other year-round balcony plants, thujas do not stop life processes for the winter, and their green branches are constantly transpired by water. Failure to replenish water from the ground may lead to plant dieback in spring.Water for watering thuja in wintershould be at a temperature of 2-3 ° C. Warmer water can cause thermal shock and toughen the plant.
" Freshly planted thuja should not be fertilizedall year round. In the following years, from March to July, we fertilize the thuja with special fertilizers for conifers (there are even special fertilizers for thuja), using half of the dose recommended by the manufacturer.Sprinkling fertilizer on the eye or its maximum amounts may lead to the salinity of the substrate, which is not as well filtered in the pot as in the garden. That is why we must strictly observe the dosage of the fertilizer, and even use it more sparingly. "
In spring and summer, the thuja can be gently trimmed to give it a specific shape, although many dwarf varieties do not require pruning. After three years, the plant should be transplanted into a larger pot.
Thuja grown in potsrequire protection against frost. Their root system is not protected by a thick layer of soil, so it can freeze easily. If, when planting thuja, we did not insulate the inside of the container, then it should be done in the fall. We tightly cover the outside of the pot with polystyrene or straw mats. Smaller containers can be placed in cardboard boxes filled with bark. The plants themselves are covered with agrotextile, which will protect them against the blasts of the drying wind.Until the first frost, water the threshing plants regularly, providing them with a constantly moist substrate.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach