Table of contents

"align=left height=110 width=110 gangrene - symptoms, causes, combating "
Gangrene of seedlings, also known as the black leg, is one of the most common diseases affecting immature seedlings. Infected seedlings wilt, collapse just above the ground, turn brown and die. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 do seedlings wilt? "
In this article, you will learn why seedlings wilt and how to avoid this problem. We discuss the most common seedling diseases and methods of combating them. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 Spraying with orange oil is surprisingly effective! "
Limocide is a preparation based on natural orange oil that can change the fate of your fight against plant diseases and pests forever. This single spray has a triple effect on diseases, pests and spider mites, and its high effectiveness has been confirmed by research. It can be used in organic farming. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 - what is it, examples, application "
Amensalism is an antagonistic relationship between species in which one species adversely affects the other species. In this article, you will learn more about amensalism and what it is all about, you will learn interesting examples of amensalism and you will learn how to use amensalism in the garden. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 effective way to deal with aphids. All you need is garlic and vinegar! "
Aphids are very troublesome and common plant pests. They appear in large numbers every year and are unrefined - we can find them on ornamental, vegetable and fruit plants. Find out about an effective method for aphids that will help you get rid of these pests quickly. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 protection of the garden against mosquitoes and ticks "
A proven method for mosquitoes and ticks in the garden. This simple eco-friendly spray offers hours of peace of mind. Barbecue, garden parties and children's games without insect bites! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 for the garden. How do they work and how to use microorganism spraying? "
Microorganisms for the garden are a great way to grow plants without the use of harmful chemicals. By spraying with microorganisms, we introduce natural enemies of pathogens into the garden - such garden guards who will take care of our plants. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 extract in gardening. Properties and spraying against plant diseases "
Grapefruit is one of the he althiest fruits, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, recommended in slimming diets. However, we gardeners are not interested in the fruit itself, because it is best to simply eat it or squeeze its juice, and the remaining seeds after it. Because it is from the seeds that a priceless extract is prepared that helps in the fight against plant diseases. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 - ecological horsetail spraying "
Horsetail preparations are used in natural medicine, herbal medicine, cosmetics and gardening. Now the application of field horsetail spraying has become extremely simple, as a new, highly effective preparation Evasiol, based on horsetail, has appeared. Thanks to it, you can effectively protect plants without the need to look for horsetail herb and prepare macerates yourself.Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 - he alth properties and use in horticulture "
Lecithin is a substance of natural origin with valuable he alth properties. The best known effect is to improve memory and concentration. As it turns out, lecithin, beneficial for humans, also benefits the garden. See what effects you can get by using lecithin to fight plant diseases. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 oil spraying. When to spray fruit trees and conifers? "
Spraying with paraffin oil is recommended at the end of winter and in the early spring to destroy wintering forms of pests on fruit trees and conifers. See how and when exactly to spray paraffin oil to bring the most benefits. We give you terms and recommendations for oil spraying in the garden! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 plant fungicides "
The 7 best natural plant fungicides. A practical table with a list of fungicides, thanks to which you can easily compare them and choose the best one for your garden. You can download this helpful table for free or print it out! Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 940 EC - an incredibly effective natural pest remedy that you must have in your garden! "
A new, highly effective and 100% natural insecticide has appeared in stores, which can change the fate of your fight against garden pests forever. This natural preparation is so effective that the producers of garden chemicals are trembling for their further fate, and the pests run away from the garden like crazy! See how to use Emulpar 940 EC in your garden to quickly and effectively get rid of annoying aphids, spider mites and other plant pests.Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 remedies for aphids "
Natural home remedies for aphids are a solution for all those who avoid the use of chemical pesticides. Aphids are bothersome and very common pests. They are found in ornamental gardens, vegetables and even home flowers. Aphids suck the sap from plants, pollute them, honeydew and carry dangerous viruses. Therefore, it is important to react quickly and control aphids as soon as they appear. Read more …

"align=left height=110 width=110 sticky boards. Types and application of sticky boards in the garden "
Pest sticky boards are an excellent way to control and reduce the number of plant pests. See what are the most popular types of sticky boards against pests and how to use them in the garden and in the cultivation of potted flowers! Read more … NEXT ►
Plant care is not only about watering, fertilizing or pruning. In addition to these basic activities, many species of plants grown in houses or in gardens also require to support their resistance and prevent possible disease infections or pest attacks. The gardener's calendar includes recommended protective treatments, usually in the form of preventive spraying, almost every month of plant vegetation. insect attack. The selection of appropriate plant protection products, adequate to the pathogen we want to fight and the intensity of the invasion, also plays an important role in the whole process.
But in order to protect plants, you do not need to reach for strong chemical preparations right away. Home remedies for various plant ailments are popular, and today there are many ecological and natural substances that will also effectively prevent many unpleasant problems in plant cultivation.In addition, for the protection of e.g. fruit trees, you can use the popular sticky bands, and in the fight against earthworms in potted plants, yellow sticky boards will be irreplaceable.