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Spring flowers: sapphires
Every year, at the end of winter, you may wonder what the first spring flowers to bloom in your garden are. One of them are sapphires. The period of their flowering is April and May. These are delicate, low garden flowers with a navy-blue color. They decorate flowerbeds, the edges of paths, they look beautiful under taller shrubs or trees.When choosing a growing location for these spring flowers, it is best to ensure that it is in partial shade or full sun. In addition to gardening, they can also be used for home breeding. Sapphire decorations are effective and will decorate any interior. Most often they are planted from bulbs, less often they are sown from seeds. They can be planted in baskets, pots or containers. Well stored, they can bloom again the following year. Sapphire garden bulbs that are not dug out of the ground should also bloom next spring. In spring, they blend beautifully when grown near colorful hyacinths and yellow narcissus.Spring flowers: irisesAmong irises we can distinguish over two hundred species and thousands of varieties. This spring flower is also called an iris. Depending on the species, it is characterized by a variety of colors. In Poland, the most commonly grown are: rhizome irises (beardless and beardless irises, and onion irises (veined iris).Their cultivation is quite simple, they require fertile soil, slightly moist soil and a warm, sunny place. Depending on the variety, optimal conditions for development should be adapted. Onion irises start flowering first. The veined iris delights as early as March and April. Its flowers are purple with yellow spots on the petals. Low rhizome irises bloom in May and tall in summer. They have large flowers that are multi-colored. Irises are planted in the garden from late summer until October. Irises can also be used in floristry as cut flowers.Spring plants: narcissiRemembering the names of spring flowers, it's impossible to ignore narcissists. They herald the arrival of the next, warmer season of the year, flowers ranging in color from yellow, through white-yellow, cream, orange, white with a red edge, to uniformly white. Some people mistakenly call all narcissists daffodils. The latter name - daffodil can only refer to flowers of this species, which are yellow.Narcissus blooms from late March to May. They can grow out of the snow, breaking through its cover. Sometimes, when it's warmer, they stick out from under the grass, forming colorful clumps of flowers. They grow out of bulbs. At first a clump of green oblong leaves appears. Only later does a flower stalk develop over the following days. The most famous is the trumpet narcissus, which has many varieties. As a cut flower it is very durable and effective. The best position for the growth of daffodils in the garden is full sun or partial shade. Narcissus are strong plants, they don't need any special care or cover for the winter. In their natural state, they can be found in the Mediterranean and Asia. They can also be grown at home for decorative purposes. In spring they can decorate windows, terraces or balconies. Florists create beautiful compositions from narcissus decorating the Easter table. These flowers can be cut and put in a vase. However, be aware of their poisonous properties. By standing in water, from day one, they release substances that will wilt other flowers.Early spring flowers: crocusesSpring garden flowers, which are among the first to grow from under the snow cover, are spring crocuses. They belong to the iris family. Crocus is also known as spring saffron. It is blooming in February, March and April. Crocuses can occur in nature, where they are partially protected (until 2014 they were strictly protected), for example the conspiracy crocus in the clearing in the Chchołowska Valley in the Tatra Mountains. However, there are also varieties grown in gardens and lawns. In autumn, they are planted into the ground from tiny bulbs. Naturally occurring in nature, they have white, pink, purple and purple flowers. In breeding cultivation, there are also yellow, blue and striped flowers. In floristry, the spring crocus is a very valued species. Less often we will meet him in home breeding. However, it is possible, for example, by planting saffron bulbs in glass or in a wide pot in a garden-like substrate.However, in order to enjoy the flowers longer, the pot must remain in the coolest place in the room. Otherwise, the flowers will bloom after three days.Spring flowers: hyacinthsA flower that grows in early spring, decorating lawns and gardens is also a hyacinth. It is a colorful harbinger of spring, which is why it is often grown in homes as an ornamental plant. In the garden, a hyacinth can grow for 3-4 years. The bulb collapses and the stalk is getting shorter with the following years. However, it can be dug out at the end of summer and planted elsewhere in the fall. It is also a protection against fungal and bacterial diseases. Hyacinth is sensitive to low temperatures and the place where the seedlings grow is good to cover in winter. The flowers are gathered in clusters and can be of the following colors: red, pink, orange, yellow, white, purple and blue. The size of the flowers depends on the size of the bulb. The bigger it is, the more abundant the flower is. Hyacinths have a characteristic, strong smell that attracts insects.Spring flower: snowdropA spring flower that decorates gardens in early spring and breaks through the snow, as the name suggests - snowdrop. It also occurs under several names such as snowdrop, snowdrop, common snowdrop, snowdrop, snowdrop and snowstorm. It comes from the wild forests of Europe and if it occurs in nature, it is a protected species. The flowers are delicate, white in color. They are sensitive to temperature changes and in unfavorable, cold conditions or at night - they warm up the petals and close. Snowdrops are frost-resistant plants. They bloom already in February. For breeding in the garden, you can use the bulbs planted in the fall. They are best planted in a shady, cool place under trees and taller shrubs. Snowdrops will then form a vast floral carpet. They do not require additional care, because they will disappear after flowering. In floristics, snowdrops can be used to create bouquet compositions.The plant can also be used in medicine, for the treatment of Alzheimer's, neuralgia, diseases of the peripheral nerves, conduction of nerve stimuli or paralysis. Snowdrops have also been shown to have antiviral properties.Spring garden flowers: helleboreA frost-resistant species is also the hellebore (Helleborus foetidus), belonging to the butterflies family. There are many species within the genus. However, one of them - the stink hellebore - blooms very early in spring. It is sometimes called a snow rose. It can occur in the wild, for example, in the eastern Carpathians. However, it is rare in Poland. It has characteristic green-cream flowers with a red border, which are characterized by a higher temperature than the surroundings. So they are able to dissolve the snow cover that will be lying on the plant. A tall, shrub-like plant, it grows up to 80 centimeters. It has strong, branchy leaves above which, from February to April, unpleasant-smelling bell-shaped flowers develop.They do not fall off after flowering and continue to decorate the garden until May. Grown in gardens from ready-made seedlings, as a spring ornamental plant. During the year, the stink hellebore is also a decorative element of the garden. Its dark green leaves resemble a palm leaf. There are no big job requirements. Likes partial shade and medium soil moisture. Prefers fertile calcareous soils and places sheltered from the wind. It can be planted next to other shrubs and trees. She hates transplanting, so the plant should be provided with a permanent place for growth and development.