Hedges - autumn cutting and care

Rules for correct hedge planting

First you need to dig a continuous trench. This is a better way than digging the holes individually for each plant.In addition, the trench allows you to maintain the same planting depth along the entire length of the hedge.Remember not to plant the plants too deep in the ground.

The soil in the bottom of the groove and for sprinkling the plants should be enriched with hornmeal or mature compost. The spacing between plants depends on the species and size of the shrubs.The plastic mesh surrounding the root ball of the plant should be removed completely, the burlap sack should be cut open at the top.The planted plants should be thoroughly watered and carefully pruned so that they branch more densely.

Laurowiśnia - a shrub with many advantages

The right place is very important here - preferably if it is sheltered from the wind. Single-growing shrubs are most vulnerable to frost damage. Their frozen leaves turn brown, die and finally fall off.Particularly dangerous are spring frosts in sunny weather.They cause drying of not only the leaves, but also the whole shoots.

Sick laurels recover, but the recovery period takes at least a few weeks.In areas regularly affected by late spring frosts, semi-shaded to shady positions should be selected for planting, and planting should be postponed to spring.

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