Contrary to most sage, allure sage salvia viridis (syn. Salvia horminum) does not decorate the garden with its flowers.It is decorated with colorful leaflets, i.e. colorful leaves in the inflorescence that act as a charm.
They can be white, pink or purple. Their additional decoration is green innervation.There are inconspicuous white flowers hidden among the pods.The inflorescences reach a height of 60 centimeters.
They appear all summer.This species comes from the Mediterranean region, where it is a biennial plant, but here it is grown as an annual plant.The seeds can be sown directly into the ground at the end of April - the plants propagated in this way bloom in June.
If you want to flower earlier, you can produce a seedling. The seeds are then sown in March.Alluring sage grows best in sunny or semi-shaded positions, in fresh, sufficiently moist soils.
Suitable for creating garden groups, both in traditional, rural and modern gardens. It also looks very nice in summer bouquets.