The most favorable times for planting trees and shrubs are autumn and spring. In autumn, we plant from late September to late November, in spring - from March to April.However, this applies mainly to root-root cuttings, because containerized seedlings can be planted throughout the period from spring to autumn (as long as there is a positive temperature outside the window)Whether the seedling accepts (and how fast) depends largely on the quality of the substrate.
The soil should be loosened to the greatest possible depth. Heavy clay soils are improved with sand and compost. The planting hole should be approximately twice as wide as the root ball of the plant you are planting.
The solid should always be slightly loosened with a pitchfork to facilitate rooting.Remove all too long, diseased and damaged roots from rootstock cuttings.We also shorten the above-ground shoots by a third, thanks to which they will spread better.
The seedlings are planted to the same depth as they grew until recently in the nursery, which can be recognized by the characteristic coloration. We tie the newly planted trees to a pole.It is good to know that the pole should be placed next to the trunk on the leeward side.
If the pole is placed elsewhere, it will be practically useless. Immediately after planting the plant, water it abundantly. Coniferous and evergreen deciduous cuttings should be shaded for some time. This will reduce the evaporation of water from the leaves during the period when trees or shrubs need to direct the rooting effort.
We must remember about young plantings for the next 3 years and systematically water and fertilize them.During this period, the seedlings rebuild and expand their root system and cannot be exposed to drought.
1. Take the plant out of the container and after placing it on the ground, determine the diameter of the planting hole (the hole should be twice as wide as the lump).
2. We improve clay soils with sand. In spring, the substrate should be fed, hornmeal can be used for fertilization.
3. We plant to the depth at which the seedlings grew in the nursery. Note if they are planted vertically.
4. After planting, compact the soil around the plants to improve the contact between the roots and the ground.
5. After planting, the plants are watered. It is best to either form a shaft out of the soil or attach a special funnel band.