In narcissus bulbs

Chrysanthemum flowers are still beautiful, we are still happy with the colorful leaves of the trees. When you admire the splendors of autumn, you can easily forget that it is time to start preparations for the next flowering season.If we want narcissi to bloom on the bed and lawn in spring, we should mobilize ourselves to work and plant our onions right now. favorite spring flowers.

The date of autumn planting of ornamental bulbs is quite important. The best period is from September to early October.Plants planted in late autumn or early winter will also bloom in March or April, because flower buds are formed in the bulbs during the dormant phase. However, they are very often weaker, have a less developed root system, and incoming bulbs tend to be less fertile.

If we plant the onions too close to each other, the daughter bulbs will not grow too much.The optimal spacing between planted bulbs is 5 centimeters.The depth at which we place the bulbs depends on their size. It is assumed that narcissi is planted twice as deep as the onion height.

Narcissus are strong and vital plants.They feel good in various positions, for many varieties it does not matter whether the bed is sunny or shaded.It is important to in the dormant phase of the bulbs, the substrate was not too wet. It is worth taking advantage of the low demands of narcissists.

We assume an onion discount

Intriguing varieties of narcissus

Short varieties from the group Anielskie Łzy or Tazetta feel great and decorate a sunny rock garden.In a mixed bed between tulips and early flowering perennials, it is difficult not to notice tall, large-flowered trumpet narcissus, e.g. the 'Golden Harvest' variety.

A daffodil meadow looks very impressive when on the green carpet of the lawn there are islands of different sizes, for example the white fragrant flowers of the poetic narcissus 'Actaea'. The 'Tete a Tete' and 'Las Vegas' varieties do very well in semi-shaded places.Here they willingly create new adventitious bulbs.In this way, the rug of bright white-yellow and yellow flowers grows bigger each year.

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