The author of the text is MSc. Agnieszka Bartosik
Hydroponicsis asoilless a crop of plants , or more precisely a crop in which the substrate has a different function than intraditional soil cropsSubstrate, the so-called filling material, it serves to maintain the plant and create appropriateconditions aerobic roots , but it does not have nutritional functions. These functions are taken over by the solution formed after mixing the appropriate fertilizer with clean water. At home, we can grow almost alltypes plants ornamental , also exoticpalm trees , cactus ororchidee
First we have to choose those plants that like a lot of moisture, because they will adapt more easily togettingingredients foodfrom the medium than other species. We can start growing with plants fromfamily picture-likeAraceae, fromphilodendrons ,monster ,scindapsus , e.g. Scindapsus pictus, oranthurium , e.g. Anthurium andreanum. Among them isZantedeschia aethiopica , a marsh plant with interesting flowers. You can also grow plants from the fig family, in which we find large specimens,needing larger spaceNot very demanding plant , resistant to pests, is sansevieria from the lily familyLiliaceaeThis family includesdracaenaandcordilin
For growing single plants and small plant groupswe need set dishes hydroponics , composed of an external vessel, the so-called casings , andvessels internal , i.e.insertorbasketIn addition, you need filling material in which the roots will develop, fertilizer to nourish our plants andindicator nutrient level
The outer vessel, i.e. the cover, is used to place the plants in it with the insert. The casing should be made ofmaterial impervious lightto avoid algae growth. The roots also react badly tolight solarThen we don't have to water the plant from the top through the insert.
The second vessel is the insert, which is placedinside vessel externalMust be smaller accordingly from the casing and adjusted to it so that it can be hung on theneck cookware externalThe insert is suspended on the casing and does not touch its bottom, creating free space forrootsandmedium
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Anturium (Anthurium andreanum) is one of the plants that is suitable for hydroponic cultivation (Image: |
The inner vessel is filled withthe appropriate material , which is primarily intended to keep the plant growing freely without tipping over. for the growing mass and create the rootsappropriate conditions oxygen
These arevery durableandchemically resistant rocks, relatively cheap and accessible. It is worth mixing them with materialslighterandabsorbing water Among the light materials worth recommending areperlite ,expanded clayandpolystyrenePerlite is a processed volcanic rock, porous, well absorbing water. It is used forpreparation compound fillerIt is white. Expanded clay, in turn, is formed from the firing of clay. It is resistant, durable and, importantly, it is goodkeeps heat in the substrate
Polystyrene has pebbles of various sizes,filledinmiddleairFloats on the surface of the water, it does not absorb it and does not change its shape. You can also useaggregate chamotteorbrickwith a pebble diameter of about 6 mm. Also suitable for hydroponics arecoal woodandpeatPeat is a highly acidic organic materialreactionandsmall weightSuitable for growingsome cactus
In addition to the above-mentioned products, we also need fertilizer from which the plants willderive ingredients food We can buy the fertilizer in the form of a liquid or a solid. To prepare a ready-made nutrient solution for plants, dissolve the appropriatecrops hydroponicsfertilizer in clean water. However, it is not indifferent what water we use to prepare the solution. We can use potable water,tap water ,wellsordistilled
Water Waterworksrequires standing for the chlorine contained in it to evaporate. Then you need to soften it, because even standing it has a pH aboverequired by plantsFor hydroponic cultivation, no boiled water is suitable, as it contains a lot ofsubstances ballast ,precipitatedinprocess cooking.It is safest to usewater distilled
It turned out that growing plants in water, without the use of classic pots with soil, has a number of advantages.Hydroponics can be successfully de alt with by people who are allergic to molds and other fungi living in the soil, because with the elimination of soil from cultivation, we also get rid of those organisms that inhabit it. Cultivation in water culture is, due to the materials used, more clean and sterile, which in turn is very beneficial for people with allergies. It also makes it possible to water the plants less frequently.
This is especially important for people who are often away from home, as well as those planning vacation or even weekend trips. In addition, thanks to the permanent placement of vessels filled with a water solution in our home, we significantly improve air humidity.
The easiest and fastest way to combine withwater liquid fertilizersOn the other hand, fertilizers in tablets are easier to dose, althoughmore difficult dissolves in waterPowdered fertilizers dissolve very well in water and leave no residue.However, it is more difficult inconditions domestic determinetheircorrect doseThe concentration of the prepared nutrient solution may vary from 0.5 to 10 mg per liter of water. We start the cultivation withthe smallest concentration , and after a few weeks we can already haveconcentration nutrient solution respectively increaseThe aqueous solution should be changed systematically, approximately everytwoweeks , at least once inmonth
Replace the nutrient solution with fresh one every 4 weeks. By the way, we clean the dishes from algae or various sediments, andrinse substrate clean Remember to check the pH of the nutrient solution from time to time, e.g. once a week, to preventfrom increasing the pH of the solution