Tiarella sercolistna Tiarella cordifolia

More about the plant below:

Tiarella sercolistna Tiarella cordifolia
category : perennials
position : partial shade
height : 20-40 cm
frost resistance : to -25 ° C
soil reaction : neutral, slightly acidic
soil preferences : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : medium
color of leaves / needles : green, green-brown
color of flowers : white, pink
habit : tufted
flowering period : April-June
seeding : autumn (spring after stratification)
reproduction : division of clumps, stolons, sowing
leaf durability : semi evergreen
application : flower beds, ground cover, balconies, terraces
growth rate : fast

Sercoliform tiarella - silhouetteDevelopment of the tiarelliStand for the macula tiarellaTiarella sercolistna - reproductionThiarelia careApplicationAdvice

Sercolist tiarellia - silhouette

Tiarella creates countless amounts of tiny star-shaped flowers between April and June that seem to wave over large leaves. This evergreen plant is native to the forests of North America and East Asia and is represented worldwide by 3-5 species.There are quite a few garden varieties with white to pale pink flowers, distinguished by pretty patterns on the leaves.Leaves turn red in autumn. In principle, all species are suitable for a cut flower vase.

Development of tiarelli

Tiarella grows to a height of 20 cm, it spreads creepingly through the stolons, creating large carpets. Some ornamental varieties also grow in clumps.The leaves of the heart-shaped tiarella are heart-shaped.Depending on the variety, their size ranges from 3 to 12 cm.

Stand for the sercolist tiarella

Tiarella is a forest plant, so it likes moist places in partial shade or shade. A loose and humus substrate is ideal for cultivation.

Sercolistus tiarella - reproduction

The easiest way to propagate plants is to cut the rooted runners after flowering.Saplings should be planted immediately in another position. It is also possible to reproduce by sowing.

Tiarelia care

In long-lasting heat, tiarella should be watered regularly.Other care is basically not necessary.


Tiarella looks very nice in plantings between woody plants. It is best when planted in a larger area. It can be grown in a cemetery or along the northern wall.Cultivars growing in clumps are suitable for semi-shade to shady beds.


Leaves fallen from trees and shrubs can be left on a tiarellic carpet, because they will turn into fertilizer over time.

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