Tawuła Spiraea - planting, requirements, cultivation, care

More about the plant below:

Tawuła (Spiraea)

category : shrubs

position : sun, partial shade

height : 0.5 - 2 m

frost resistance : to -30 ° C

reaction soil : slightly alkaline, neutral, slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, humus, well-drained, sandy loam

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green, yellow, white-green, yellow- green, yellow-red

color of flowers : pink, white

shape : bushy

period flowering : April-July

seed : -

reproduction:herbaceous or woody cuttings ,layering

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : rebates, balconies, parks, hedges, borders, terraces

pace height : medium

Tawuła - silhouetteTawuła - developmental featuresThe position for the tawułaTawuła breedingTawuła - careTawuła - applicationAdvice

Tawuła - silhouette

The genus tawuła has over 80 species of shrubs from Japan, Korea and China. Flowering time depends on the species, it can last from April to May or from June to September.Tawula inflorescences bloom in white, pink, burgundy color.

Tawuła - developmental features

Tawuła is a shrub of moderate strength and growth rate, sold as a small shrub or ground cover. Depending on the variety, it reaches 50 to 300 cm in height.Some varieties have a dense habit and drooping shoots.Almost all tawuła species are winter hardy.

Stand for tawula

Tawuły do ​​the best on light and dry soils. They tolerate both sunny and semi-shaded places. Generally they are considered undemanding, they like warm places. Tawuła is recommended for any type of garden.

Tawula reproduction

Tawuły is propagated by woody cuttings, preferably in autumn.

Tawuła - care

Older, more than four-year-old shoots should be cut after flowering.Species that bloom in summer should be heavily trimmed in winter or spring.This way flowering is abundant and lasts until fall.Tawuły flowering in spring are x-rayed after flowering, approximately every three years. Quite old shoots should be cut at the base.

Tawuła - application

The shrub can be grown in a perennial bed or used for hedges with other shrubs.High-growing varieties are willingly and often grown for natural hedgesLower tawuły are perfect as borders, while shrubs with colorful leaves are a colorful accent in various plant compositions.


It is worth knowing that the van Houtte tavern is the most valuable species among spring flowering tavernas.

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