Looks like Poles finally got to like asparagus.Although this vegetable arrived in Poland several hundred years ago, it could not "break" to a mass recipient for a long time.Now the consumption of tasty shoots is gradually increasing.
Asparagus is available in three varieties: white, green and purple, the color depends only on the method of cultivation.In Poland, only white asparagus is grown, which is obtained by bleaching, i.e. cultivating without sunlight (in earthen mounds).In the past, growing asparagus required patience, because traditional varieties, e.g.'Merrygreen', matured only three years after the plantation was established.
New varieties like 'Cumulus' and 'Gijnlim' grow faster. In addition, today only male fertile varieties (not male and female varieties) are selected for production, which mature a year after planting and which yield up to two weeks.In the second year, asparagus can be harvested for four weeks, in the third year - from May until the end of June. Crops are rejuvenated approximately every 10 years.Asparagus grows best in dry and calcareous soils.
Violet varieties rarely appear on Polish tables. It is different in countries where asparagus cultivation has a longer tradition, namely Italy and France.Salads and antipasti are made only from fresh shoots, because during cooking they lose their original color and turn green.Some varieties are suitable for garden cultivation, one of which is 'Burgundine'.
Stems dug up in the morning and prepared for dinner the same day have the best flavor.A few hours later, the concentration of bitter substances in them increases.It is worth emphasizing that purple varieties have a higher fertility than the others.Let us note that garden crops give a higher yield than field crops, because they are better sheltered from the wind.
The asparagus harvesting can be easily sped up. There are special linings made of black and white foil (black on one side, and white on the other). Under such cover, weeds do not grow, and the soil keeps the temperature warmer.Asparagus starts to grow when the temperature of the substrate rises to 12 ° C.In May, when the weather is still quite unstable, the heat of the substrate can be increased by turning the foil black side up.
The white side of the foil protects against overheating. The shoots that mature at 20 ° C are the tastiest. If the ground warms up too quickly, the shoots will become stringy.They lose their flavor also when the mound dries up during the period of intensive growth. The substrate must also be watered after the harvest, because the asparagus continues to grow and they have the greatest thirst from July to September.
How do you know if asparagus is fresh? First of all, pay attention to the cut ends of the shoots. If the vegetables are fresh, the shoots will be fine and juicy.Sometimes freshness is checked by hearing, because when the shoots rub against each other, they creak.However, this method is not one hundred percent reliable.
Shop asparagus heads are usually sealed; Garden asparagus can also be harvested when it is slightly open. This does not affect the taste in any way, it is only aesthetic.If you do not eat the shoots right away, wrap them in a damp cloth and put them in a cool place.Traditionally, asparagus is cooked in lightly s alted water. It is best to use a special tall asparagus pot for this purpose.