An attempt to manage an uneven terrain does not always have to be associated with titanic work with a spade in hand. Why breach an open door? Better to treat the so-called difficult terrain as a boon and cut through the unevenness with bands of dry walls. This solution is very advantageous for both structural and decorative reasons.
Advantages of a dry wall
The natural character of a dry wall is its great advantage. This effect is achieved by laying stones without mortar. The spaces between the stones can be filled with garden soil, then planted with perennials so that the face is covered with vegetation.The lower walls, up to 1 m high, can be erected on their own, even without being a construction expert. The front wall of the wall should be fairly even and slightly tilted back, and the upper edge retracted from 10 to 25 cm depending on the height of the wall. Almost all types of natural stone can be used as a building material, both ordinary field stones, as well as slate rock and hewn cubes. From the construction point of view, it is important that the wall consists of stones of various weight and size with a clear predominance of large, heavy rocks in the lower part of the foundation and the smallest ones in the upper part. We should always bear in mind that laying a wall is hard, physical work, so you should always remember to maintain proper safety.
Planting plants
When the dry wall is ready, plant the plants. First of all, we fill in the losses of soil in the largest gaps. In such environmental conditions, they feel great, among others, Alyssum saxatile rock streak and Cerastium holosteoides.A very popular plant for rock walls is the Aubrieta's sorrel, available in many varieties, including the color of the leaves. Kokorycz, haberlea and chiastofil are suitable for shaded sites. The crown of the wall can be planted with a few additional perennial plants, such as geraniums and algae, and small shrubs, such as varicose veins and laurel. Plants with drooping shoots, such as the dress and bells of Poszarski, also look very impressive on the crown.
Building a dry wallPlace a dry wall on a selected foundation, approx. 40 cm deep and twice as wide as the bottom layer of stones. Fill the hole with crushed stone or mineral mixture to such a depth that the bottom stones settle down a few centimeters below the ground level. In the lower part of the trench, before filling the trough, install a drainage pipe and compact the ballast. Arrange the stones with a slight inclination towards the slope. The next layers should be placed horizontally shifted so that the stones from the next layers do not form pillars.Then the wall would not be stable enough. Pour sand behind each layer of stones and compact it. Place slightly longer stones in several places to improve stability.