Where there is a sports or recreational lawn, a small amount of wild herbs is allowed (some of them are weeds).On ornamental lawns, their presence is unacceptable, but rather unavoidableSeeds, incl. nuns, thistles, and daisies are blown by the wind.
The clover grows in all directions with the help of runners. The seeds of various weeds rest in the ground, waiting for an opportunity to sprout. Mowing prevents foreign plants from growing quickly.Scarifying also helps in the fight against weeds. The dandelion grows into the ground with a long, strong tap root, which is very difficult to pull out or dig.
Roller lawns used to be laid mainly on sports fields.Currently, they are more and more often used in home gardens.Although they are not cheap, they give a very quick decorative effect. The turf can be laid almost all year round.
1. Remove the old, weedy lawn along with the turf.
2. We dig the ground with a rotary tiller. Stones, remains of old turf, all organic impurities should be removed from the ground. Then we level the ground with the rake.
3. We roll the earth. If, after driving a roller, the ground is still uneven, level it with a rake.Then we spread the complete mineral fertilizer on the ground.
4. The unwound strips of turf should fit tightly to each other. The horns of the turf cannot come together in one place (forming a cross).
5. Trim the lawn edges with a spade or a sharp kitchen knife. Roll thoroughly once more so that the turf has good contact with the ground. We make turns outside the turf.
6. The turf should be watered abundantly, it is necessary for the grass to fuse with the ground.Water the lawn every day.