Unfavorable weather, excess household chores, troubles at work … All this does not have a positive effect on our well-being. How can you regain your serenity in such conditions? The easiest way to change your eating habits. Many common vegetables, herbs and fruits contain biologically active substances that help fight stress.In chronic states of nervous tension, it is necessary to take additional doses of vitamin C, otherwise we will lose immunity quickly, and then it is not difficult to catch a cold.
Vitamin C is rich not only in citrus, but also parsley, savoy and red cabbage, broccoli, peppers and potatoes available in every greengrocer.These vegetables contain a lot of chromium.When it is missing, we may feel inner anxiety and irritationMagnesium is also important. This element inhibits the release of stress hormones and has a calming effect. Chromium is found in large amounts, especially in legumes, natural rice, whole grains, spinach, almonds and walnuts.
If we get tired quickly and get irritated easily, it may be due to a deficiency of B vitamins. They can also be found in legumes and whole grain bread. Sunflower seeds are a good snack. Vitamin B5 is found in mushrooms and poultry, spinach contains B6, wheat germ, walnuts.
Zinc also has an anti-stress effect. It is included, inter alia, in cereals, lentils, dates and milk.Let's also mention the carbohydrates that keep blood sugar levels high and improve your mood.
It has been known since yesterday that breakfast is one of the basic meals that you should not skip. It should consist of valuable ingredients. Unfortunately, sweetened flakes in milk and toasts with melted cheese are not the best solution due to the high amount of sugar that leads to a constant and unrestrained craving for sugar throughout the day, which additionally causes frustration.
It is worth investing in a home-made sprouting iron or cotton for sprouts - he althy roots will grow within 5-6 days. They will provide the necessary dose of B vitamins responsible for maintaining the proper development and condition of the nervous system.
Additionally, omega-6 fatty acids prevent the occurrence of chronic depression and neurosis. Among other things, you will find them in wheat germ. Add them to hot meat salads or vegetable sandwiches.
Most of us breathe too shallow and too fast, especially when we have too much on our heads.Then the body is hypoxic, which only increases nervousness. To relieve tension, a simple breathing exercise is enough: let's sit back and take 6 calm breaths in one minute, each time breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling it (five series).