Five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day are the best way to getgood feeling goodandkeepinghe althand beauty in good shape. Color he alth benefitssubstances vegetablenotnoticed longgradually subsequent discoveries confirmed that they helpregulate blood pressure blood ,cholesterol andblood sugar , support the body's immune system, prevent cardiovascular disorders and may eveninhibit the development dangerous cell cancer
Red does not mean …prohibition eatingRed skin and the same color of the flesh indicatelargecontent carotenoidsIn a large group of these substances there is, in addition togood known beta-carotene , capsanthin found in red pepper.cancer diseases are prevented by lycopene , mainly found in tomatoes.Carotenoidssupport your eyesight by producing your eye's natural protective mechanisms and prevent some diseasesdiseases of the nerve visual.
Yellow indicates the presence of substancesstrengthening immunity of the organismYellow or white-yellow pigments are especially valuable contained in citrus, apples and onions. This group also includespurpleorpurple anthocyanins , found in redcabbage ,cherriesandberries
Green chlorophyll can improve blood circulation, rejuvenateold cellsbloodand stimulate new growth red cells. It also facilitates the absorption ofironandmagnesium ,relieves tension musclesTogether with beta-carotene, it provides our skin with lasting smoothness.
A he althy diet with lots offruitandvegetablesdoesn't have to be a problem at all. For breakfast, a portion of muesliis supplemented with fresh fruitAn essential addition to dinner issaladze freshvegetables. It is a good idea to drink a glass of vegetable juice before dinner. Between meals we eat a handfulsmall fruitanddried apricotsIn this way, at the end of the day, we will easily get the rightbalance consumed fruitandvegetables
Although each plant pigment has a different effect, we don't have to be careful aboutabsolutelyeatingsomething red,a little yellow and green every day. All colorful fruits and vegetables containcarotenoids ,flavonoids ,anthocyaninsandotherdyeswvarious combinations
This means that when we eat carrots, we not only provide our body with carotenoids, but also manyother dyes Green chlorophyll contains not only edible leaves of vegetables, but also all the othergreen parts plantsSo it can be said without exaggeration that the he althiest there arevarious mixes of vegetables o varied content , with constantly changing ingredients.