Rosarium in a cloud of fragrances

An elegant bouquet of roses, received for a birthday or for any other important reason, immediately evokes the desire to smell even each individual flower. But it happens that the elaborate composition from the florist is not perfect, because it is missing something.Beautiful flowers should also smell wonderful!In the garden, such disappointment does not threaten us. There it is enough to come close to the rose bush and breathe in its aroma deeply for a long moment …

Many varieties generously fill the air with the scent of flowers, especially strong in the warm morning hours. It is a good omen for a long day!The smell of roses makes us feel good and there is no magic to it. There is a reason why rose essential oils have long been highly valued in aromatherapy. Our sense of smell is directly connected to the sensory center in the brain, which remembers any smell.

In fact, it is pure chemistry that makes very small aromatic molecules very strongly affect our sense of smell. It is enough for these microscopic particles of volatile fragrance oils to reach the odor receptors located in the nasal passages.Plants produce them in glands that are invisible to the naked eye, scattered over the upper surface of the flower petals.

Most of these wonderfully fragrant oils leak into the air on very warm and humid days. Rose flowers smell most strongly after unfolding. Unfortunately, after a few days they slowly lose their unsurpassed aroma as the pollinating insects attracted by it do their job. It turns out that the smell is not a property of all species and does not depend in any way on the color of the petals.Flowers of different varieties in the same shades may smell very strongly or not at all.

Larger differences appear between the different groups of roses.The most and the most fragrant forms can be found in the group of bushy and climbing roses. On the other hand, the flowers of many ground cover roses and older bedding varieties are more often devoid of aroma.

Recommended varieties of fragrant roses

1. 'Soul' really has a soul: it smells great. The nostalgic bush rose reaches a height of 130 cm, it is very he althy and vital.

2. 'Charles Darwin' produces reddish buds that develop full flowers with shimmering yellow flowers.This English rose is about 120 cm tall.

3. 'Scented Whisper' already has a smell in its name. The 80 cm high bed rose opens with loose flowers filled with petals, gradually changing their color.

4. 'Herzogin Christiana' smells intoxicating, especially in the afternoon and evening. The bedding rose has spherical flowers and a height of 70 cm.

5. 'Kölner Flora' develops flowers strongly filled with petals on arched shoots.A he althy bush rose is about 120 cm high.

6. 'Ambassador 2014' flaunts slender flowers with a fruity scent. Viable, large-flowered rose reaches a height of 80 cm.

The scents of rose flowers are strongest in sunny and quiet places.Their qualities, apart from our individual sensitivity, are also determined by the features of the substrate, e.g. clay content and the microclimate.

Roses with unique fragrances

1. 'The Poet's Wife' is an English rose with yellow flowers, initially lemon scented and later sweet.

2. 'Gertrude Jekyll', also an English rose, has intensely fragrant flowers and a nice habit.

3. 'Ghislaine de Feligonde' - a climbing historical rose with numerous, slightly apricot, delicately fragrant flowers.

4. 'The Lady Gardener', an English rose, opens pale orange, densely filled with petals flowers with a wonderful fragrance.

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