Useful borders on discounts

Well-chosen frames in most casesgreat emphasize qualities works painterly ,graphicsorphotographyThe same applies to elements of the garden arrangement. The terrace surrounded byflowering plantsis a much nicer place than a rest corner devoid of green neighborhood. The path surrounded by beautiful perennials encourages you to walk more than barepath with stoneorconcrete curbs

Boxwood - discount border

Brzegi pathsor flower beds, planted with lavender or evergreenboxwood , look nice bothin summer , andin winterPlants will stay beautiful all year round if they areregularly prunedSun-loving lavender shoots are shortened to aboutone-thirdi every year. The 'Siesta' variety is particularly suitable for edging. It has a compact habit and tolerates pruning very well.

Boxwood should be pruned at least twice a year. Slow-growing varieties, such as 'Suffruticosa' or 'Blauer Heinz', are recommended. These varieties do not require frequent pruning.Boxwoodalso works great in shady places. It can be formed into low rims. Slightlyhigher hedgescan be led fromyew

Zgroups flowering perennialsthe edges of flowerbeds and paths can be planted with algae and low geraniums, keeping green leaves also in winter, e.g.variation of 'Berggarten' or 'Bevans'. These plants start growing in early spring, have decorative leaves, grow quitefastandeasy obscureempty spaces.Thanks to them, the edges of the rebates quickly gain a clean and uniform appearance. After flowering, some specimens losecompact habitThe rescue is a strong cut, after which the plants will sprout new ones,dense shootswith nice leaves.

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Bukszpan Buxus (Photo:

Discount stone borders

stone borders paths ,discountwhether lawns. It is worth recommending them not only because of their nice appearance.A clear border between a discount and a green onesurface facilitatesandsimplifies treatments careA 20-30 cm wide strip, e.g. made of granite cubes or small tiles, keeps perennials in check and prevents them from growing into the lawn.Mowing grassbecomes more accurate and less time consuming.

Tip: to prevent grass and weeds from overgrowing the gaps between the stone cubes, fill them with - instead of sand -mortar cementorartificial resin .

Ideas that help you to practically separate the rebates from e.g. your lawn

Walkers lead through the gardenherbaceous , growing along a gravel path. The path is marked by yellow-green inflorescencesperennials . Trimming faded shoots just above the ground prevents self-seeding and prevents over-spreading

Slightly raised edges and low boxwood hedges accentuate the shape of the path.Boxwoodspheres mark the beginning and end of the paved surface

Shallow dug roof tiles emphasize the irregular edge of a slightly raised bed with SpanishlavenderLavandula stoechas, sage, fennel andblankets Italian

The borders of the terrace can be quickly decorated with pots with beautiful annual plants, such astobacco decorative ,marigolds, castor ,petunieisurfinie small-flowered

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