“Most of the plants damaged by animals can be saved. However, it is better to prevent than to cure "-Michał Mazik , author of the text.
When winter is over, one of the most important work in the garden and orchard is to estimate losses and help damaged plants.Therefore, I pay close attention to the trees and check that they are not infected sick or injured by animals. This is important because many of them can still be saved. Here are some rules.
In the early spring, I check the he alth of trees. Now is the right time to get some degree of damage from frost or animals.In spring, during warm days, it will be much too late for that.
Places of damage, bark bites or bare wounds caused by e.g. hares are covered with garden ointment.The preparation should be spread evenly with a brush so that it creates a tight protective barrier.This work should not be performed in rain or heavy frost.
Writing about saving trees, I treat it as a last resort and as an accident at work. Plants in an orchard should be protected against pests much earlier. In autumn, it is worth putting on special plastic covers on the trunks, covered with preparations that are unpleasant for animals.
A much more serious problem than animals is sun-frost gangrene. They are formed as a result of high warming during the day and frosty nights at the end of winter or the beginning of spring.The most vulnerable to them are the limbs and thick branches of trees on the southern side, where the temperature difference is greatest.The pulp under the bark is killed after losing frost resistance. This creates empty gaps between the wood and the bark.
It is very dangerous for a tree - such gangrene can lead to its withering.That is why during a spring walk in the orchard I carefully examine the bark.In places of damage it becomes dull, has an unnatural light brown color, peels off and finally falls off. When I see one of these symptoms, a red light lights up in my head.
Symbolic dimension of trees
To be sure, I knock down suspicious places with a hammer. If the tree in a given place is dead pulp, a dull sound is accompanied by the blows. Then I press the bark against the trunk, hammering a few nails with wide heads.Remember that if we notice wounds early enough, the damaged tissue will regenerate and the tree will grow properly.
In the protection of trees against gangrene and bark cracking, prophylaxis is also important. In order to protect them in advance, I use bleaching - from January to March, 2-3 times depending on the needs.Painted trunks reflect the sun's rays more easily, thanks to which they do not overheat.Gangs are also caused by improper covering of trees - e.g. if we use dark, impermeable foil.