On my plot I have some fruit trees (peaches, plums, cherries, apple trees) and currant bushes. Unfortunately, the trees are infected with numerous diseases, as I have not had time to spray the plants in the last two seasons. Can I still do any treatments in the fall?
Poharvest fruitsprayfine spotleaves trees stone stones , appearing on cherries in the form of small stains merging with each other.Abundant rains spring rainsfavored the fall of currant leaves this year. Please remember that the main source of infection isjust fallen leaves It is there that the spores of the fungus develop, which attack the bushes already in early spring.
Thereforeremove fallen leavesnot only currants, but also clean fruit trees. We also collect and destroy byburningordeepburying the "mummies" of fruit that would become asource next year diseasesIn autumn, I also recommend cutting out all damaged and sick branches. You can also successfully performbezdeszczowy day spraying
This year, small black, jumping beetles caused quite a lot of damage in my garden. The holes in the leaves were bitten by, among others comfrey and mallow. They ate the lungwort almost completely. How to get rid of them and what are these worms?
These little beetles arepchełkiThere are several species of them. Some are all black, others with yellow stripes or a green sheen on the lids.Warm and dry weather favorsmassive the appearance ofpests and theirintense foraging
The effects of the flea can be seen on the leaves with numerous indentations or holes.The damaged leaves resemble a sieveThe leaf blade turns yellow at first, then turns brown,withersanddries upDestroy the weeds of the family cabbage, whichprevents from spreading pests.We spray the fleas with insecticides. The preparations will act on the jumpers that can attack the herbs, e.g.oreganoSpraying twice at an interval of 14 days should solve the problem.
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I have two young children and I grow my own organic vegetables for them. As a result, I do not use chemical spraying on my plot. This year, however, I completely failed the carrot, affected by the carrot glitter. How to deal with this disease by natural means?
HarmfulnessPołyśnicycan be significantly reduced by followingbasic rules agrotechnical :
- The autumn digging of the vegetable garden is important anddestroying flowering weedsin the plantation.
- An adult insect isshade-lovingiavoids sunlitandairy places .
- Too dense sowing and cultivation in fields surrounded byperennial cropsorthickets favorsoccurrence pest.
- It should beacceleratecarrot harvest, because until mid-termSeptember larvae polyśnicyfeed on thin side roots without biting into theroot main .
- Permitted incrops organicthe use of the preparation
in a dose:2 cubes on1 liter of water . The procedure should be performed three times with an interval of 7 days.
I have a barberry hedge. From mid-summer it looks as if it has been sprinkled with flour. Is it some kind of disease?
White mealy coatingon the outer side of the leaves is a fungal disease - powdery mildew realUsually appears onbarberry ,oak ,tawułkach , clonesandrosesattacks plants most often insecondpartyearsdisease in the last time is intensifying and more and more often it is also observed onflowers homeandbalcony flowers
Plants should be placed under special protection towards the end of the growing season.Thiswill reduce sources infectionfor the next year. 2-3 times spraying at weeklyintervals with preparations combatingBoth treatments are used when the temperature air is above 12 ° C. A similar biopreparation can be used on the balcony or at home.
When is the best time to dig out the rhizomes of the beads? Before the frosts come or a little later?
Stem rhizomes, but alsotubersof dahlias and tuberous begonias should be dug up after the first frost, when the frost will weigh their above-ground parts. Then,is transported the juices to the rootThe plants will overwinter better and will be stronger next year than those dug up before the frost. Dahlia, bead andtubers begoniascovered with peat are stored incool ,darkanddryindoors at around 5 ° C.
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